Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What would you do with the F.U. money?

One of my close friends at work can often be heard saying “man, if only I had the F.U. money.” By that, of course, he means that if he had enough money to not care about losing his

5 Ways to Get Discounted Designer Shoes Without Using eBay

Typically, if you love designer shoes and you don't want to pay retail prices, you would head to eBay, but lately the selection and prices can be hit or miss. Here are my five secr

How to Prevent Identity Theft

Identity theft is a growing concern: with surprisingly little information, a thief can do lasting harm to your credit score and bank accounts. However, there are steps that you can

10 Cool Tool Gifts for Fixer Uppers

For the DIYer nothing brings holiday cheer as well as the right tool for the job. Find it in this collection of gifts that get 'er done.

5 Ways to Prevent a Debt Spiral

Be the master of your fate when it comes to conquering credit card debt.

30 Meaningful Mother's Day Gifts for Every Budget

Doesn't the woman who gave you life deserve something better than a box of chocolates? These 30 ideas are creative, frugal, and fun to give.

How Your Last Name Affects Your Spending Habits

Think that alphabetical line-up in elementary school just kept you in order? It could also have affected your lifelong spending habits. Learn how.

11 Ways Life Is Amazing With an Emergency Fund

Life happens — and it usually costs money when it does. Build your emergency fund so when it happens, you're good to go.

6 Simple Ways to Save Money by Tracking Your Receipts

Don't toss that receipt! Find out how to use that little scrap of paper to uncover some serious savings.

6 Summer Party Ideas That Won't Break the Bank

What's better than a mid-summer get-together with friends? A mid-summer get-together that's simple to plan and easy to pay for!

3-6 months of living expenses?

Personal-finance experts often recommend having 3-6 months' worth of living expenses saved and easily accessible. In his July 1, 2007 Getting Going column ("Popular Advice

Best Money Tips: High-Paying Careers That Don't Require a College Degree

Today we found articles on high-paying careers that don’t require a college degree, side hustles you can do on the go, and foods you should never eat on a plane.

Save $100 on Your Next Spa Visit by Buying Cold Medicine

We’ve been hearing a lot about how you can save money by shopping at Walgreens lately. Walgreens is again offering a unique and potentially ver

Ask the Readers: What Do You Look For in a Car?

Tell us what you look for in a car and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Financial Peace in Hard Times

Six months ago, I had plans. Lots of them. Career plans. Vacation plans. Financial plans. Then everything fell apart. My mother became ill. She had already been ill, having been di

The Best Credit Cards That Offer Free WiFi For Travelers

Make sure you can get online when you are away from home with these credit cards that include free WiFi.

13 Things You Must Inspect Before Signing a Rental Agreement

Before you sign a lease, inspect the property carefully using this checklist. If you don't, you could be on the hook for big expenses when you move out.

5 Signs That You're Too Obsessed With Your Budget

Budgeting is one of the primary keys to financial well-being. But becoming over-obsessed with your budget can cause you just as much stress as not having one at all.

Does Your Net Worth Even Matter?

You may not be raking it in like Warren Buffett, but yes, your net worth still matters.

15 Things in Your Kitchen You Should Throw Out Today

Kitchen clutter takes many forms — expired food, gadgets we never use, appliances that crowd countertops. If you don't need it — toss it!