Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Here's How Rich You'd Be If You Stopped Smoking

It's advice that bears repeating again and again — it's time to quit smoking. Your health, and your savings, will thank you.

10 frugal things to try before you die (updated)

Well, I say frugal but some of these cross that line from frugality into something less honorable. But hey, live a little. We all have to try new things sometimes. [more]

10 Easy Veggies to Plant This Spring

Yes, you CAN grow your own food. These easy-to-grow herbs and vegetables will thrive even if you've got the blackest of thumbs.

4 Questions You Must Ask at Your Next Job Interview

At most job interviews, candidates will have an opportunity to ask their own questions. Be prepared with questions that flush out job details and demonstrate your value.

9 Old Kitchen Tools You Can Flip for Cash

What's hiding in the back of your kitchen drawers and cabinets? Cash, that's what.

You CAN Earn More Money — Here's How

Making more money doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. Learn how you can start picking up side gigs today.

Is "Health Food" Worse for You than Junk Food?

Health food isn't necessarily as good for you as you'd expect it to be. In fact, it might be those "healthy" foods that are ultimately making you fat.

Are You Saving Too Much Money?

Is there such a thing as too much savings? Let's find out.

5 Questions to Ask Before Signing Up for a New Credit Card

Getting a new credit might mean more rewards, or just a better utilization ratio. Just be sure you understand the ins and outs before you sign.

16 Home Purchases for Under $10 That Are Well Worth the Money

Sometimes being frugal is about making do. These 16 home essentials will make your life easier — and none of them cost more than 10 bucks.

7 Personal Finance Tips for Animal Lovers

We love our pets — too much sometimes — and it can cost us plenty. Get smart about caring for Fido and keep him from tearing a hole in your budget.

Everything You Need to Know About Peer-to-Peer Investing With Lending Club

For borrowers, Lending Club offers another funding source. For investors, it's a way to invest in consumer debt. Here's how to get started.

Buying Virtual Cats Might Be the Future of Investing

What happens when you combine cute kitties with an addictive game? The hottest new investment trend.

Your budget: envelopes or a plan?

When I was first introduced to budgeting, the model used was the envelope method. Every payday you'd take your cash and divide it up among envelopes labeled "Rent," "Groceries," "Electric Bill," etc. [more]

How to Start a Frugal Dinner Club

Love food? Have a fondness for frugality? Combine those passions and start a frugal dinner club. Here's how.

10 Tasty Ideas for Leftover Turkey

So it's The Day of the Turkey (at least here in the US) and we all know there will be leftovers. Since I can only eat so many TLT (Turkey, Lettuce, and Tomato) sandwiches, I&#

Using PAPER Coupons When You Order Online

Even if you live the all-digital lifestyle, don't put away those scissors yet. Some Web sites are now taking manufacturers' coupons.

How To Turn a 2-liter Bottle Of Water Into a 50-Watt Lightbulb

It's not often I'm taken aback by the simplicity and power of an invention, but this one does it for me. It's cheap, anyone can make one and it literally changes lives. Welcome to

Getting Ahead At Work: Are You A Hammer Or A Swiss Army Knife?

Is it better to be great at one specific thing or just really good at a whole bunch of different things? While one might put you in a class all by yourself, the other can make you

The new normal economy

The economy is way short of full employment, so naturally, consumer spending is down. Sooner or later employment, I think, will return to normal levels. Consumer spending will re