Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Signs You Have a Serious Spending Addiction

Spending addiction is real, damaging, and scary. If you recognize yourself in any of these signs, you may need to seek help.

If You're Doing These 4 Exercises, Your Workouts Are Worth Nothing

One thing's for sure about these four workouts — they definitely won't pump you up. Read on to learn which routines aren't worth sweating over.

5 Financial Principles for a Seismic Economy

Learn the 5 principles of personal economics to help you survive and thrive in tough economic climates.  Become more financially nimble and able to absorb the shocks of a f

14 Dumb Things Holding You Back From Losing Weight

Been dieting and exercising but still can't shed the fat? One of these dumb things might be keeping the weight on.

MoneyPak Review and Giveaway (Chance to win a $50 MoneyPak!)

MoneyPak is offering an exclusive giveaway to Wise Bread subscribers. They will be giving away one $50 MoneyPak to two lucky winners.

Ask the Readers: How Much Does it Cost to Raise a Family? (Chance to Win!)

Tell us how much it costs to raise a family for a chance to win!

Share Your Thoughts: Consolidating Student Loans

What should one reader do to consolidate his student loan payments?

The 12 Most Dangerous Foods You're Buying

Bacteria, heart disease, and cancer, oh my! These are the most dangerous foods you're probably buying.

Confident People Have These 10 Things in Their Homes — Do You?

Look around your home. Do you possess many of these talismans of the self-confident?

Best Money Tips: Surprises in Your Health Savings Account

Today, we share the things to watch out for in your HSA, tried-and-true tips for shaving off a chunk of Apple computer prices, an easy recipe for homemade paint, and more!

Best Money Tips: Ways for Families to Save in September

Today we found some amazing articles on ways for families to save in September, financial steps to a rich life, and turning financial disaster into financial independence.

5 Ways to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Make those New Year's resolutions last all year with these techniques to help new habits stick.

Best Money Tips: Help Your Marriage Survive a Startup

Today, we share what it takes to hold a marriage together when one spouse is starting a new business, easy ways to save money at airports, and tips for using Google Analytics.

5 Ways to Save Money in the New Year

Make 2011 your best financial year yet with these tips to jump-start your savings.

Save Money with a Dependent Care Tax Credit and FSA

If you pay for day care or other services, you may be able to save thousands with an FSA, the Child and Dependent Care Credit, or both.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Event Tickets

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save money on event tickets, how to fall back in love with your job, and free things to do this year.

How to Survive a Tax Audit

If you've been notified of an audit, don't panic. Follow these steps to help get through it with minimal stress.

Best Money Tips: How to Drive More Efficiently

Today we found some great articles on ways to drive more efficiently, how to follow up without being pushy, and why positive thinking sucks.

Shareholder’s Agreement: What It Is and Why You Need to Review Your Own

A Shareholder’s Agreement is designed to help you and your business navigate life’s tricky twists and turns. Here are 10 common clauses to look for in your Shareholder's Agreeme

10 Surprising Facts About Flooding and Your Home

What do you know about flood protection? Even if you have insurance, you might not be covered...but getting coverage might also be easier than you think.