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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Time-Saver Meals?

Tell us about your favorite time-saver meals and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Signs Your Company Is Going Under

Has half the executive staff suddenly decided to make more time for family? Yeah, your company is doomed.

10 Home DIY Projects You Can Do in One Day

A one-day DIY project can spruce up your home and give you a sense of accomplishment without the time commitment of a bigger project.

How These 6 Assets Might Affect Student Financial Aid Eligibility

Financial aid is a huge help for every college student. Let's break down exactly what the FAFSA considers in its calculation.

Once Bitten Twice Shy: What is Credit Security Worth to You?

If you have had your identity stolen, you're prepared to bring out the big guns to protect it. Even if you haven't been once bitten, you may be shy. Here are some (arguable but eff

This One Ratio Is the Key to a Good Credit Score

Understanding this key credit scoring ratio may be the secret to unlocking a higher credit score. The math is simple, and so is the strategy.

5 Kinds of Insurance Every Retiree Should Consider

Your insurance needs change over time. When you reach retirement, they'll change again.

Cutting Your Car Payment Is Easier Than You Think

If your car payment is eating up too much of your budget, you may be ready for a refinance.

Fixing Mistakes: 7 Steps for Any Situation

Mistakes aren't fun, but the sooner and more thoroughly you deal with them, the better. Here are the essential steps to take.

Selling Your Life Insurance Policy for Cold, Hard Cash

Would you sell your life insurance policy for a lump sum, knowing that someone else now profits from your death?

How Cash Rewards Credit Cards Really Work

Confused by the proliferating credit card rewards programs? Find out what terms to avoid — and which ones will really save you money.

6 Easy Ways to Protect Your Debit Card From Skimmers

Swiping without a second thought is an easy way to fall victim to debit card skimmers.

25 Money-Saving Strategies That Are Actually Hurting You

Penny wise pound-foolish is no way to build real wealth. Are your too-frugal habits costing you money?

Failed Frugality: 5 Clues You’ve Gone Too Far

For most people, frugality is a lifestyle choice born out of necessity. A lost job, increase in expenses, or a battle with debt has forced them to take extreme measures to balance

Ask the Readers: What Makes You a Cheapskate?

We want to know what qualifies you as a "cheapskate". Are you horrifying in your money-saving ways? Or do you pinch your pennies with finesse and class? Let us know wh

Yes, It's Still Safe to Visit Hawaii During the Volcanic Eruption

Despite the recent Kilauea Volcano eruption, most of the Big Island and the rest of the Hawaiian Islands remain safe.

6 Cheap Date Ideas for Nature Lovers

You don't have to spend your entire paycheck to have a romantic evening out. Just venture out into the great outdoors!

7 Certifications That Add Big $$ to Your Salary

Expand your skills and education without stepping foot in a classroom. These seven certifications will help you score the big bucks!

Best Money Tips: 5 Ways to Get in "The Zone"

Today we found articles on ways to get in the zone, how to maximize Social Security benefits, and housekeeping tips for the domestically challenged.

Can You Really Make a Living as an Ebook Writer?

Ever wonder if you could make a living as an ebook author? Us too! Find out what we learned about it.