Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Hardest-to-Kill Houseplants

No matter how black your thumb, these hardy indoor growers will keep green whatever the level of inattention and neglect you care to give them.

8 Ways to Save on Dinner — No Meal Planning Required

Tired of spending hours mapping out your meals? Good news: You can make healthy, affordable meals on the fly, too.

5 Money Moves to Make Before Moving Out on Your Own

Before striking out on your own, set yourself up for financial success while Mom and Dad have still got your back.

How to Help Your Parents Retire

Your parents have given you so much in life. Pay it forward by helping them plan their best retirement.

How to Invest If You're Worried About a Stock Market Crash

Market fear is hard to shake. If you're afraid a crash is coming, you should keep on investing; here's how.

6 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Money From Cyber Theft

Online banking is convenient and can help you budget and save, but it's not without risk. Protect your money with some easy security steps.

How to Fight Back Against Mortgage Discrimination

Several big banks have been accused of unfairly lending to minority borrowers. Here's how to see if your lender is playing fair.

3 Ways Confidence Makes You Better With Money

They say confidence is key, and your bank account likely won't argue. Go on — hold your head high and claim what's yours.

What would you do with the F.U. money?

One of my close friends at work can often be heard saying “man, if only I had the F.U. money.” By that, of course, he means that if he had enough money to not care about losing his

Market Clones: How to Pay Drastically Less for Pricey Products

Marketers price their products at whatever the market will bear. But if one product is sold in two (or more) markets, one version is almost always cheaper.

Jobless Americans Paying Fees for Unemployment Benefits

It seems crazy, but it's true — by receiving funds on prepaid cards, unemployed citizens are forced to pay fees to access cash when they need it the most.

The 4 Jobs People Quit the Most

Unless you're looking for a high-stress job that you'll probably leave within a few months, you should steer clear of these.

How Wealthy Are You Beyond Your Bank Account?

On my previous article about working to death I found a pretty long comment by a woman named "Jen" who has a husband that works seven days a week to provide for his family. This l

Real Estate Appraisals - Ten things most people just don't understand about them

The homeowner wants to make the sale. The broker wants to make the commission. The lender wants to make the loan. It'd be nice to see all these folks made happy, but first... th

Not too late to get your IRS stimulus rebate--if you qualify

A lot of taxpayers missed out on getting their IRS economic stimulus rebate last year, even though they qualified. If you're one of them, you'll be glad to know that there's a way

10 Places to Find Cheap, Good-Looking New Furniture

You don't have to dumpster dive or trawl Craigslist to find cheap chairs (or any other furniture). Shop these retailers and buy affordable NEW stuff instead.

6 Reasons Why Cash Is Still King

Learn the top reasons why cash is still king — even in the age of plastic.

9 Ways Restaurant Menus Are Designed to Make You Spend More

You'll never look at a restaurant menu the same way again.

7 Homemade Pet Products That Are Cheaper and Better Than Store Bought

Save money and keep your pets healthy and happy with pet gear you make at home for cheaper.

Best Money Tips: 50 Fast Ways to Make $50

Today we found some great articles on fast ways to make $50, how to indulge without overspending, plus life and money lessons learned from Star Trek.