Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How One Nice Thing Can Ruin Your Whole Budget

This is precisely why we can't have nice things.

10 Frugal Ways to Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

This winter, stay warm and toasty on the cheap with these fast, frugal, and easy ways to winterize your home.

10 Rules of Etiquette Everyone Should Know (and Follow!)

Etiquette is the grease that keeps the gears of civilization turning. Do your part by following these 10 basic rules of etiquette.

Weird Job Interview Questions (and How to Answer Them)

Need to measure a building? Escape from a blender? Give an opinion on garden gnomes? Learn how to answer these and other odd interview questions.

Advertising Jargon That Aims to Mislead

In advertising, not everything is as it seems. Watch out for these phrases; if they're being used, you should reconsider the purchase you're about to make.

What a New Baby Really Needs

If you don't want to break the bank getting ready for your new baby, check this list for the items that are truly essential — and those that can be ignored.

The 6 Best Makeup Kits You Can DIY for $50 or Less

Be fabulously frugal at any age with these expert-recommended makeup kits. Each one is less than $50!

Passport Pictures for Under a Dollar

Use this technique to produce passport pictures, visa pictures, and any other required id photos, all for under a dollar.

Drugstore Freebies: More Than Junk Food and Harsh Chemicals

Some haters think that playing the drugstore instant rebates is actually a waste of time and money. I counter that you can't waste money if you don't spend any money, and as for ti

10 Things You're Paying Too Much for When You Travel (and How to Pay Less)

With all the hassles of travel, it's easy to get nickel and dimed. Look for these common overcharges and learn how to get the same service for less.

4 Ways to Buy a House Without a Mortgage

No mortgage? No problem. You can still purchase the home of your dreams.

5 Ways Carry-On Luggage Can Save You Time and Money

Airline travel is not much fun, so it makes sense to reduce the burden by packing less and not checking bags. You'll save time, money, and hassle.

Sock It to Me: 15 Uses for Old Socks

Don't send your single socks to the big laundry basket in the sky! Instead, repurpose them with these 15 useful ideas.

10 Smart Ways to Get a Small Business Loan

It takes money to make money, and for small business there have never been so many ways to borrow some. How would a loan help your business grow?

How to Get the Greenest Lawn on the Block — Naturally

A lush lawn does not require a lush dollar amount. Try one of these inexpensive and environmentally-kind tricks to get the greenest grass on the block.

Should You Ever Consider a Balloon Mortgage?

A balloon mortgage has its upsides, but it sure leaves a lot up in the air.

7 Ways to Travel More in Retirement

You're officially a retiree! Now that you can see the world, here's how to do it right.

10 Great Uses for Old Ties

Thrift stores (and maybe even your very own closet) tend to be filled with used ties. Give them new life with one of these easy DIY projects.

4 Tech Add-Ons That Can Save Travelers Time and Money

Upgrade some of your tech gadgets and your next vacation will be even more amazing.

How to Manage Debt While Unemployed

Out of work and in the red? Take a deep breath. You can manage both.