Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Low Can You Go? Taking the No Heat Challenge

Most of us aren't ready to give up home heating altogether, but here are a few tricks we can learn from the hardcore heat resisters.

Are these genuine bargains, or a pile of garbage?

One of the great things about being a blogger for Wisebread is that I have a large community of people to call on for help and advice when I need it. So far I've rarely called on your sage advice, but today is different. [more]

6 Reasons Cutting Your Landline Is a Bad Deal

Dropping home phone service has become a popular way to cut a few dollars from the budget. But are the savings really worth it?

25 Ways to Boost Creativity

Feel like your brain is drained? Get inspired with these 25 tips for expanding your creative horizons.

8 Smart Ways to Save on Audio Books

The only thing better than reading your favorite book is listening to the audio version. And here's how to get audiobooks on the cheap.

Poverty Makes You Stupid

Whether you're short money or time, the lack impairs your ability to think clearly and find abundance. A new way of looking at scarcity may offer a way out.

The 5 Best Shampoos for Frizzy Hair

Keeping your hair frizz-free isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these shampoos for frizzy hair and your coif will remain sleek.

Sous Vide Is the Fancy Cooking Technique That Saves You Money, Too

The French know a thing or two about delicious, efficient cooking. Why not try sous vide in your own kitchen?

5 American Cities Where You Can Retire On Just Social Security

If Social Security is your primary post-retirement income, it may be time to move. Maybe to one of these five low-cost U.S. cities.

6 Frugal Promises I Have Not Kept

I have made a number of public declarations of my frugal ambitions over the years here on Wise Bread. Here are some of my biggest failures.

Stop! Don't Make These 6 Dumb Mistakes With Your Financial Windfall

We all dream about scoring a big financial windfall — and all the great ways to spend it. If fortune does favor you, don't blow it!

Charged With an Overdraft Fee? Get Your Money Back!

Get hit with a bank overdraft fee? Put on your negotiation face to remove that fee, and then follow this simple plan to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Save Enough on Meat to Buy a Chest Freezer

I ended my worries over where our beef comes from by investing in a quarter cow and a chest freezer. I considered the cost of the freezer as the cost of having the hormone-free, no

Gluten-Free, Carb-Free Noodles

Noodles are typically made from wheat or rice, which means carbs and gluten galore. But behold, noodle lovers, there are other (super low-calorie!) noodle options.

15 Ways to Save the Most During a Hawaii Vacation

A resident shares his best tips and secrets to enjoying a Hawaiian vacation without emptying your bank account. Aloha!

The 5 Best White Noise Machines

Getting a good night's sleep isn't always easy, but it can be. Just use any of these white noise machines and you'll be peacefully snoozing in no time.

The Encouraging Truth About How Americans Are Covering the Cost of College

Everybody knows college is expensive, but just how much are people really paying out of pocket? A recent survey sheds some light.

Breathe Easy: 10 Natural Air Fresheners

Deodorizers and disinfectants don't have to be full of chemicals. Freshen your space the frugal, all-natural way with these eco-friendly ideas.

The 5 Best Body Lotions

Keeping your skin constantly smooth isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these body lotions and your skin will stay soft and supple.

6 Pearls of Career Wisdom From Brian Tracy

Find yourself stumbling down your career path? We've collected some favorite tips from motivational expert Brian Tracy to get you back on track.