Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Money-Saving New Year's Goals That You Can Actually Keep

This year, resolve to spend less and save more. Go for one or more of these easy-to-reach goals!

Do You Need a Disaster Survival Kit?

I've always thought of disaster preparedness as something for the highly paranoid or mildly insane. Current events have led me to believe in being better safe than sorry.

Great Financial Gifts for Children

Financial management is one of the most important lessons you can teach children — start early with these great (and fun!) financial gifts for kids.

Boost your computer's RAM in seconds. Very easy.

This may sound like a tech-heavy article but trust me, it's not. My own technophobic dad could do this one (and he'd better after I tell him). All you need is the goold old

Can Tiny House Living Actually Save You Money?

The latest trend in real estate is living large in a really small space. Seems like that should be a money-saver, right?

8 Brands That Came Back From the Dead

Just because a brand dies doesn't mean it's gone for good. These zombie brands are proof that everyone loves a comeback.

4 Reasons You Might Have a "Phased" Retirement

If a total leave from the working world isn't in your cards, take your retirement in phases!

5 Reasons a Home Sale Could Fall Through

Your house is on the market, and you finally got an offer. Done deal, right? Not so fast...

10 Ways to Age Well for $0

Good news! Some of the best ways to access the fountain of youth are completely free.

5 Best Websites to Help You Retire Early

Everybody dreams of retiring early, but few of us actually do it. These retirement finance experts can show you the way.

9 Easy, Frugal, and Tasty Recipes for Bachelors

Just because you're a bachelor doesn't mean you have to dine like one. Instead, whip up these delicious, easy-to-make, and inexpensive recipes.

6 Reasons Cutting Your Landline Is a Bad Deal

Dropping home phone service has become a popular way to cut a few dollars from the budget. But are the savings really worth it?

9 Fun and Affordable Vacation Ideas

Are your vacation plans stressing you and your budget? Consider some frugal alternatives for plenty of fun and relaxation that won't require overtime to cover it.

Why You Should Always "Get It in Writing"

"Get it in writing" may be the oldest piece of frugal living advice ever given. Learn why.

One Smart Thing You Can Do for Your Retirement Today

The smartest thing you can do for retirement planning is so easy, there's just no excuse not to do it. Even better? It's free.

When You Should and Shouldn't Rent

There are many great debates in the world: The chicken or the egg? John or Paul? Should you rent or not? This helps answer one of those.

Milking It: 5 Easy Homemade Cheeses

From cottage cheese to mozzarella and more, these five cheeses are delicious and totally easy to make at home.

7 Things You Need to Know About Investing in Company Stock

Your employer is offering you company stock. Is it a good idea to pad your portfolio with it?

Save Money and Eat Better With These 6 Online Meal Planners

Hate meal planning but want to save on fast food? These sites will help.

I Went Christmas Shopping With Fake Money

I got all my husband's gifts with fake money -- and didn't break the law, either. I used store rewards, coupons, PayPal, Swagbucks and other bits and ends of things to give him a f