One way to spend less is to take up a fun hobby. Try one of these great ones, and you may even improve yourself and your bank account along the way too.
Making sure your clothes are always wrinkle-free isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these clothing steamers your clothes will remain perfectly pressed.
It might seem like everyone under the sun gets approved for a mortgage, but don't be fooled — home loans are no joke. Make these money moves before applying.
Today we found some great articles on clever ways to use coffee filters, homemade remedies to rescue your hair, and simple tips to get happy this season.
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
4 Ways to Buy a House Without a Mortgage
No mortgage? No problem. You can still purchase the home of your dreams.
The 35 Best Ways to Spend Your Free Time (Frugally)
One way to spend less is to take up a fun hobby. Try one of these great ones, and you may even improve yourself and your bank account along the way too.
How to Clear Old Debt From Your Credit Report
Old debts can clutter up the path to an otherwise clean credit report. It's time to do a little cleaning.
The 5 Best Clothing Steamers
Making sure your clothes are always wrinkle-free isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these clothing steamers your clothes will remain perfectly pressed.
Same-As-Cash Store Offers vs. 0% Intro APR Credit Cards — Which Is Right for You?
Your favorite store may offer a "same as cash" deal with no-interest financing. Beware — it's not the same as getting 0% APR on new purchases.
How One Man Used Credit Card Rewards to Go to the Last 11 Super Bowls
And this year one super cardholder will make it 12 in a row.
The 5 Best Underwater Cameras
Don't fear your camera getting wet again. These five underwater cameras let you take stunning photos both above and below sea level.
10 Ways to Prevent an Emergency From Driving You Into Debt
If you're caught short when life catches you short, don't panic. Instead, try these strategies to manage an emergency and avoid debt.
Make These 5 Money Moves Before Applying for a Mortgage
It might seem like everyone under the sun gets approved for a mortgage, but don't be fooled — home loans are no joke. Make these money moves before applying.
10 Ways to Get Over Jet Lag and Enjoy Your Trip
Don't let jet lag ruin your vacation! These tricks will have you up and at 'em right from the start of your far away vacay.
8 Ways Your Fridge Door Can Improve Your Life
Need inspiration to save money, achieve a goal, or improve your life? Look no further than your refrigerator door.
4 Smart Ways to Lower Your Monthly Mortgage Payment
A hefty home loan doesn't have to be a burden. Here's how you can trim dollars from your monthly mortgage payment.
10 Easy Ways to Work Stretching Into Your Daily Routine
Flexibility is important for fitness, but it's hard to find the time. Add stretches throughout the day to capture some of the benefit.
10 New Beauty Products You Need to Know About
Get ready for fall with this collection of the season's must have beauty products and tools.
8 Ways to Lower Your Vet Bills
Just because your pets are beloved family members doesn't mean you should go broke paying for their medical needs.
Do You Have Any of These 4 Most Irrational Fears?
What are you afraid of? If you're like a lot of other scaredy-cats, it's probably clowns.
10 Reasons to Drink Tea
Tea can wake you up or calm you down, cool you in summer and warm you in winter. If you don't already drink the steeped stuff, here's why you should.
6 Great Places to Get Free Tax Advice
Confused by taxes? Now you can get free professional help from a variety of surprising sources.
Make the World Better With These 17 Free Ways to Give Back
There are plenty of ways to donate your unwanted belongings and your time without spending a dime.
Best Money Tips: 30+ Clever Ways to Use Coffee Filters
Today we found some great articles on clever ways to use coffee filters, homemade remedies to rescue your hair, and simple tips to get happy this season.