Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Conditioners

Keeping your hair soft and silky isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these conditioners and your coif will always look gorgeous.

9 Signs You Need to Fire Your Financial Planner

A good financial planner will guide you, step by step, through all your money goals. A bad one should be kicked to the curb.

A Simple Guide to Retirement Plans for the Self-Employed

Being your own boss has its major ups. But one of its biggest downs? You're on your own for retirement.

How to Ace Your Next Coffee Interview

More and more employers are interviewing prospects in less formal settings. Here's how to shine at your meeting without spilling any coffee.

9 Silly Reasons People Don't Invest (But Should)

People come up with the silliest reasons not to get started investing. Drop these excuses and get started investing!

Make These 5 Fixes After a Home Sale Falls Through

You got an offer, and you're ready to close. There's only one problem — your home sale fell through. Now what?

The Secret to Larger Breasts

Thanks for the mammaries! [more]

Free 12-month supply of contact lens cases & coupons

Nice quick bargain for you all. A 12-month free supply kit containing contact lens cases, coupons, information and more. [more]

Tips for Finding Legitimate Work-From-Home Opportunities

Working from home is the dream, but sifting through phony job ads can be a nightmare. Here's how to find the legit ones.

The Best (Inexpensive) Souvenirs

As a rule, we don’t buy souvenirs for their usefulness. A t-shirt from the Hard Rock Café or a shell sculpture from Hawaii isn’t going to increase your productivity — in fact, dust

Ask the Readers: What Are Some Good Things That Happened to You in 2019?

Tell us about about the good things that happened to you in 2019 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Living a Life of Weisure?

Blurring the lines between our personal and professional lives has its pros and cons.

Don't Forget About These 7 Job Hunting Expenses

It's not just yourself you need to prepare for a job hunt. Prepare your money, too!

Can Reinvesting Dividends Really Save You on Taxes?

If you're reinvesting your dividends, you may be shortchanging Uncle Sam. Here's what you need to know about dividends and taxes.

The 15 Coolest Silicon Valley Job Perks You Wish You Had

Chances are your employer isn't half as generous as these famous tech sector companies. Free lunch is just the beginning.

The sinking dollar

It takes more than $1.40 to buy one euro today. It cost less than $1 as recently as late 2002. A Canadian dollar is worth just about exactly a US dollar--a parity not seen since

CFL Bulbs: Greener than most, but not green enough

I’ve embraced the compact fluorescent light bulb revolution wholeheartedly. I preach their money-saving abilities and cite statistics about energy. I comment on brands and varietie

The 5 Best Microwaves

From defrosting an entire chicken to popping all the popcorn in a bag without burning, these microwaves can make your life easier.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Speed Reading: A Book Review

For many, time is money, and so it shouldn’t surprise me that there is now an official guide on how to read more in less time. I had always been curious about the science of speed

10 Smart and Frugal Uses for Epsom Salt

Instead of buying expensive cleaners and beauty products, you can save a ton of cash if you use good old fashioned epsom salt instead.