Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Living Cheaply for the Long Term

Frugality sites are full of advice for cutting your expenses right away. Living cheaply for the long term is different. Call it "strategic frugality."

5 Ways to Get the Most From Your Employer’s Automated Retirement Plan

Your employer may be automating your 401(k) plan. Don't let the convenience lull you into complacency with your investments.

What You Need to Know Before Leasing a Car

We're generally in favor of buying versus leasing. If you decide to lease, make sure you understand what you're paying for.

Six Horrible Financial Products You Should Avoid

Dealing with financial products can be very confusing and stressful, but there are some products that you should absolutely stay away from for the sake of your financial health. [more]

The 5 Best Deodorants for Men

Don't give people another reason to stay away. Make yourself (or your man) presentable with one of these five best deodorants for men.

13 Surprising Things You Can Rent for Extra Cash

From the everyday to the oddball, you can rent just about everything in your house for cash — including the house.

Socially Responsible Investing Goes Green

You drive and drink responsibly, spend your money responsibly, and act responsibly, don’t you? But do you invest responsibly? Can you invest responsibly?

Regifting: A Simple How-To Guide

As the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. It's OK to regift as long as you follow a few simple guidelines.

Find Your Passion

Some people really don't know what they want to do. Here on some ideas on finding out.

The Military's Four-Step Plan to Keeping Your Place Clean

There's no room in the armed forces for clutter and mess. Learn how to keep your place ship-shape with these secrets of military cleanliness.

Paying Your Debts in the Wrong Order Could Be Costing You

All debts are not created equal. There's an order to your path to financial freedom.

5 Ways Millennials Can Become Bosses Sooner

Millennials don't shy from a challenge — climbing the corporate ladder, included. Are you ready for the top rung?

Are You Paying These 6 Unfair Banking Fees?

Fees here, fees there, banking fees everywhere. Cut the expense of banking and other financial services by shopping smart and choosing fee-free.

10 Jobs That Robots Can't Do, Yet

It seems like every day, robots take over more jobs. But for now, these career fields are safe.

6 Ways Workaholism Is Costing You Money

Putting in long hours at work often means a bigger paycheck. But what about when burning the midnight oil ends up costing you money?

Confessions of a Former Payday Loan Junkie

Can you say “Cash in a Flash?” That’s all I was concerned about when I began financial suicide using payday loans 9 years ago. I

9 Fun and Affordable Vacation Ideas

Are your vacation plans stressing you and your budget? Consider some frugal alternatives for plenty of fun and relaxation that won't require overtime to cover it.

How Tapping Into Home Equity Is Like Pawning A Gold Necklace

It has occurred to me that tapping into one’s home equity can be like pawning a gold necklace, television set, or other personal item with resale value. Both involve using collater

Home Maintenance and Repair: What's an Emergency and What Can Wait?

If you're budget is tight and you have home repairs on the horizon, use this list to determine which projects can wait and which ones need your immediate attention.

14 Pricey Things You Shouldn't Buy (And What to Get Instead)

If you've got caviar tastes and a fishstick budget, buy domestic. That and 13 other great cheap alternatives on the other side of the click.