Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Will A Dental Discount Plan Save You Money?

Those of us without traditional dental insurance may have been tempted to buy a dental “discount” plan. On paper, it looks good. In practicality, it could save you some, or more

5 Signs That Your Credit Card Spending Is Out of Control

Credit cards can dominate your life (and ruin your budget) if you're not careful. Use these 5 warning signs to make sure you stay on top of your spending habits.

Voluntary Slavery

Discover one writer's take on why the "voluntary slavery" of our personal financial situations can keep us from acting in our best interest.

TurboTax: New features, and a chance to win a copy

The kind folks at Intuit have given us some free copies of TurboTax. I snagged one that I'm going to use to do my taxes, and once I'm done, I'll post a review and tell

7 Delicious Uses for Leftover Hot Dogs

Let's be frank: Summer cookouts will leave you with plenty of extra dogs in the fridge. Here are lots of tasty ways to use them up.

25 Easy Ways to Make Someone Happy Today

Making other people happy is great! Here are some easy, low- or no-cost ways to bring a smile to someone else's face — and to yours.

7 Nice Ways to Tell Your Spendy Friends You're Staying on Budget

Keeping up with your spendy friends gets expensive. Let them know you're on a budget without making a big deal about it.

10 Books to Read for a Better Money Mindset

Struggling to stay true to your higher-self financial goals? Any of these reads can reset your money mindset.

20 Awesome Uses for Milk Crates

Milk crates are storage stalwarts because they're cheap and sturdy, but they can do so much more than just store books and LPs.

How to Save Frequent Flyer Miles That Are About to Expire

You worked hard for those airline miles. Don't let them just slip away!

8 Ways to Build Your Financial Self Esteem

Feeling down about money can keep us from taking smart financial steps. Go for these small wins and get back in the game.

Here's How Much to Spend on Life's 3 Biggest Milestones

Life's milestone purchases shouldn't leave you flat broke. How much can you afford on a new car, home, or engagement ring?

What to Do If You Don't Have Your ID at the Airport

If you've misplaced your passport and ID just before boarding a flight, don't panic! Hope is not lost.

10 Companies With the Highest Paid Interns

Not all internships are created equal. While most interns are lucky to get minimum wage, there are some positions that pay the equivalent of a six-figure salary.

25+ Secrets to Keep Your Clothes Brighter, Whiter, and Lasting Longer

You can keep your timeless classics looking timeless and classic — just follow these simple laundry tricks.

7 Ways to Avoid Getting Seriously Sick on Vacation

Don't let a bout of sickness ruin your vacation. Put your health first, even on the road.

Toxic Laundry: What’s in Your Dryer Sheets and Fabric Softener?

There's more to fabric softeners than springtime freshness and fluffy teddy bears — your product might have some nasty chemicals hiding inside.

4 Financial Reasons to Keep Your Political Views Private

These days, sharing political views is as easy as hitting "Enter." But the aftermath can be much greater than a heated debate.

Craigslist vs. eBay: Where to Sell 10 Common Items

Craigslist or eBay? It can be a difficult decision. Use this cheat sheet to figure out where to hock 10 of the most commonly sold items.

How I Grocery Shop

First, I will commit heresy by saying that I no longer write a full weekly menu.