Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Weird Money Facts: 5 True Cases of Unbelievable Inflation

A dollar doesn't seem go as far as it used to, does it? Compared to these cases of inflation truly run amok, the dollar is the Rock of Gibraltar!

6 Simple Tips to Keep Your Car Running Longer

How often your car breaks down and how much repairs cost are largely within your control. Learn how to care for your car right, so it keeps running.

Learning Without the High Cost of Higher Education

College is a great way to get an education — but it's not the only way. These methods will help you learn more on the cheap.

More than just inflation

With prices up, price statistics that look preposterous to anyone who shops, and the Fed trying to thread the needle of preventing a recession without letting inflation run out of

8 Reasons the Easter Bunny Should Give Money Instead of Candy

While you're letting your kids gorge on candy, consider weaving in these lessons in personal finance.

7 Surprising Ways Summer Will Cost You

Just like the scorching temps will drain your energy, the summer season can also drain your budget. Here's some sunscreen for your wallet!

6 Ways Meditation Can Make You a Money Master

Inner peace isn't just for your health. Mindfulness and patience could be the key to unlocking good financial management.

Your Stressful Job May Be… Making You Healthier?

We all know that stress does not do a body good... Or does it?

23 Tips for Traveling With Pets

Traveling with a pet can be a challenge, but with the right itinerary and gear, everyone can enjoy the trip, whether they make it on two legs or four.

10 Examples of Tremendous Business Leadership

Here are 10 examples of top-notch leadership from leaders who ultimately led by example, letting their actions (and bottom lines) speak for themselves.

How to Make Your Own Popcorn

From butter-drenched microwaved kernels to old-fashioned stovetop kettle corn, here's how to make your own popped snack at home. - Financial Tips from a Queer Perspective

Queercents founder, Nina Smith, talks about the importance of personal finance in the LGBT community. Have a read!

Save $100s Next Month With These 10 Grocery Shopping Tips

Slow your spendthrift ways with this grocery budget challenge — it will keep both your pantry and your wallet well-stocked!

How to Get Fired

In honor of the recent end of my employment, I thought I'd find some good tips on how to... well, to end your employment! Here are some of my favorites from around the interwebs: Arrive late for work. Being on time is for wimps. [more]

10 Best Stock Markets in the World in 2015

If you're looking for big gains and can tolerate a little risk, it's time to look abroad. Global stocks may be the answer to your investment needs.

Best Money Tips: How to Maintain Friendships As An Adult

Today we found articles on ways to maintain adult friendships, timesaving kitchen tips to simplify your life, and the best ways to sell your old stuff and make money.

Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Dishes

Cooking the entire meal on Thanksgiving day is an exercise in extreme planning. Decrease turkey day stress by making these dishes ahead of time.

3 Reasons to Get Your Master’s Degree Abroad

If you're looking to get your master's degree, you might want to study abroad. Here's why.

What's the big deal about banks refusing to lend?

Anybody--but especially frugal people--can be excused for thinking that the whole credit crisis thing is being overblown. After all, we get along without debt. In fact, we str

Knowing When to Walk Away: Financial Planning for an Unknown Ending

People have a notion that they must amass a certain amount of money, no matter how long it takes, before they can retire. But what if it took you 40 years of work to reach $1 milli