Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Much Does Your Credit Card Debt Cost You?

Only having to pay 2% of your total credit-card balance a month makes charging tempting...but with interest, you could also pay more than double your original purchase price.

Here's What's Included in a Home's Closing Costs

You know closing costs make up a hefty bill when buying a new home. Have you ever wondered what's included in those costs, exactly?

9 Things You Should Always Carry on an Economy Flight

You can make even the stingiest of economy flights comfortable and relaxing with a few carryons. Please enjoy your flight!

How to Make Your Own Curtains

Curtains are an easy DIY sewing project. Plus, by making your own, you'll save money on window coverings and get exactly what you want.

How to Manage Debt While Unemployed

Out of work and in the red? Take a deep breath. You can manage both.

6 Mobile Payment Tools You Should Start Using Today

Everything else has gone digital, why not your credit cards? Check out these mobile payment tools you can start using today — and leave your wallet at home.

12 Smart Uses for Safety Pins

The humble safety pin can do more than just conceal clothing tears. Dig a couple out from the bottom of the drawer and put them to work!

How to Throw a Kid’s Birthday Party That’s Fun, Happily Memorable, and Not So Expensive

The most fun, memorable and least expensive birthday party for your child may be, figuratively and literately, right in your own backyard. I’ve attended and hosted fabulous but sim

Best Money Tips: Easy Steps for a Greener Holiday Season

Today we found articles on ways to have a green holiday season, opportunities to save money in 2017, and simple but smart ways to improve your home security.

How to Fire Your Real Estate Agent

If the only thing your realtor is offering is stress, it's time to break up. It's not you — it's them.

Should You Repair a Dripping Faucet?

Sure, that dripping faucet might be annoying, but does it make financial sense to fix it? Find out with these simple calculations.

“I see dumb people” – Learn to cold-read like a so-called “psychic.”

I don’t believe in psychics, palm readers, telekinesis or mediums. Not because I’m a huge skeptic but because I’ve been researching them for years and have found NO evidence that t

14 Frugal Christmas Decorating Hacks

Deck your halls with frugal flair this year. Whether store-bought or DIY, you can save big on holiday decor if you start now.

Why You Should Allow Yourself Splurges

Do you sacrifice things you enjoy to save as much as possible? An occasional splurge is not such a bad thing, and it might even make you a better saver.

18 DIY Christmas Ornaments That Are Better Than Store Bought

The best Christmas ornament doesn't come from a store. A DIY ornament, perhaps, means a little bit more.

5 Amazing Travel Destinations You Thought Were Unaffordable

Don't let rumors of sky-high prices hold you back; you can travel to these dream destinations for less than you think!

How to Prevent a Drunken Online Shopping Spree

Hangovers are bad enough without realizing you also spent all your money on things you don't need.

5 Everyday Words That Are Making You Look Stupid

Seriously, if you actually want to improve your social standing and status, work on eliminating these worn out words from your lexicon.

These Secrets of Amazon's Pricing Strategy Will Help You Find the Best Buys

You win some, you lose some in online retail. Find out which items are a steal on Amazon and which you're better off finding at your local Walmart.

Should You be Ashamed to be on Public Assistance?

Government assistance such as the Food Stamp Program and cash welfare payments are sticky topics of discussion. What exactly is frugal about us