Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Look Rich Without Having Much Money

The rich are different — they have more money. Here's how to fake it until you have more money, too.

Great Ways to Improve Your Resume Today

If you're applying for jobs, these quick and easy resume changes could make a big difference in whether or not you land an interview.

Why I Like Big Banks

Lots of people are ditching their big banks for credit unions — but not this writer. Read on to find out why she loves her big bank.

4 Reasons Early Retirement Might Be Financially Risky

So many of us dream of early retirement, but it comes at a price — often your nest egg. Can you afford to stop working early?

Don't Let These 6 Home Décor Flaws Ruin Your House Hunt

Kitschy cabinets, disco fever carpeting...never fear! These house-hunting turn-offs are actually easy fixes.

5-Day Debt Reduction Plan: Stop Waiting for Tomorrow

Debt sucks. It’s time to tackle it, today, before it turns into an even uglier monster. Get started reducing your debt by following this simple five-day plan.

9 Things That Really Annoy Hiring Managers

When heading to a job interview, you want to impress the hiring managers. So make sure to avoid doing these nine things that really annoy them.

How to Be a Superhero without Supernatural Abilities

A hero isn’t someone who wears a crimson cape. A hero is not someone who possesses super human strength. A hero is someone who consistently does amazing things over a lifetime.

Here's the Difference Between a Federal and Non-Federal Credit Union

You're thinking about joining a credit union. You've noticed some credit unions are federal, and some are state-chartered. What's the difference?

5 Dumb 401(k) Mistakes Smart People Make

There are lots of ways to go wrong with a 401(k). Don't hurt your retirement with any of these common mistakes.

5 Sobering Facts About Student Loan Debt

Higher education comes at a high cost. How much more debt can recent graduates bear?

How to Ask for Your Old Job Back After Leaving

You quit your job. You said your goodbyes. But now … you want back in. Where do you start?

The 8 Life Skills You Must Learn in Your 40s

You're never too old to stop learning! By the time you hit the big 4-0, consider mastering these eight essential life skills.

Look where you want to go

Yesterday, as I teetered precariously on my motorcycle at the top of a steep hill, riding home from the repair shop and thus marking my first time on a motorcycle that wasn't in a flat, closed course, I was repeating one of the standard Motorcyclin [more]

Best Money Tips: Go to College for Free

Today we found some stellar articles on going to college for free, tips to save on Thanksgiving airfare, and measuring career success.

Ultimate Guide to Cash Back Shopping

You can actually earn back some of what you spend on Internet purchases. Learn more about the programs available and how to avoid common mistakes.

15 Times When You Really Should Bring a Gift

Don't get caught empty-handed! Be the guest the host likes the most by being the one who always remembers to bring a little something.

How New Homeowners Can Furnish Their Place on a Budget

You're finally a homeowner! Now you feel the need to fill up all that space. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to kick up your feet for cheap.

Why You Should Allow Yourself Splurges

Do you sacrifice things you enjoy to save as much as possible? An occasional splurge is not such a bad thing, and it might even make you a better saver.

5 Times It's OK to Pause Saving and Investing

Saving and investing is always a good idea; however, if you're facing one of these money struggles, take time to clear the crisis before you start investing again.