Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Facial Toners

You can have healthy and glowing skin just by using the right facial toner, like one of these best five choices.

10 Frugalfying Ways to get to $1 Million

This guest post is by Leo from Zen Habits. If you like this post, check out his site or subscribe to his feed. [more]

Best Money Tips: 5 Golden Rules for Getting Out of Debt

Today we found some great articles on the golden rules of getting out of debt, habits of considerate people, and where to find extra income.

5 bargains to help you keep your cool this summer.

Here in Colorado the average temperature around midday is now above 90 degrees...every day. Pah, say you folks in Arizona. But for me, it's way too hot for comfort. [more]

The Financial Balancing Act: Musings on Balancing Being Responsible with Having Fun

Sometimes, balancing debt (or staying out of it) with fun things we really enjoy brings up hard questions. [more]

How to Create a Successful Kickstarter Campaign

If you have a creative project, a Kickstarter campaign can be the perfect way to get the funds you need. Here's how to make that campaign great.

5 Signs You Probably Need an Accountant

Missed tax deductions, a side income, a house — it's not long before money gets complicated. When should you hire a pro?

Product Feedback Is Worth Your Time

Taking time to give quality feedback is an opportunity that can often reap great rewards. Go ahead and let companies know how you feel.

How to keep the low teaser rate for your mortgage

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson gave a speech yesterday, talking about the administration's plan to "address the challenges" of the housing market downturn and relat

Best Money Tips: How to Sell Stuff on Craigslist

Today we found some fantastic articles on how to sell stuff on Craigslist, ways to manage your money, and how teens can earn money for college.

Credit Cards Aren’t as Competitive as They Want You to Believe

Competition between businesses is what creates good deals for consumers, right? Then why the heck are credit card companies not more competitive?

The 5 Best Window Air Conditioners

Staying cooled off on hot summer days isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these air conditioners and you will always be comfortably chilled.

Treat yourself like a child to be more grown up

This post is about repurposing a trick that grown-ups use to manage a child's wants. You know the one. It starts with pointing at a substitute. Then, the grown-up frames one of

Identify and Solve Your Spending Mysteries

Where does the money go? If you don't know, that's a problem. Discover how to identify your mystery expenses and get back on budget.

How Long Does It Take to Get Life Insurance?

How long it takes to get life insurance depends on the policy you're applying for. Jeff Rose, CFP, explains the process.

4 Ways to Spring-Clean Your Investment Portfolio

Spring cleaning is in the air! After you dust the cobwebs out of your house, take time to dust them out of your investment portfolio, too.

10 Delicious Ways to Save Stale Bread

Stale bread might seem like it's destined for the trash, but here's how to turn it into delicious treasure instead.

A Simple Remedy for the Economic Blues

During these trying times, a little physical activity can go a long way to lifting your spirits, and might even make you smarter.

How to Create Barriers to Your Savings

All it takes is one weak moment to reach into your checking account or connected savings account and use those funds on something frivolous. That's why it's important to protec

Best Money Tips: Genius Ways to Use Leftover Fruits and Veggies

Today we found articles on genius ways to use leftover produce, how to avoid common sales traps, and things to remember when you’ve lost your motivation.