Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Bringing in a Pro to Value Your Business: The Questions You Must Ask

A business appraiser or a certified valuation analyst has the education and expertise necessary to put a dollar value on a company.

Best Money Tips: Making Ends Meet During Prolonged Unemployment

Today we found some awesome articles on making ends meet during prolonged unemployment, hostels for adults, and credit card advice for college kids.

Five Tips for a Smooth Nanny Share

Nanny sharing is a great way to save money on child care...if you do it right. Here's how to make sure you get the most of out your nanny share.

7 Mindsets Holding You Back (And How To Overcome Them)

Habit, routine, and stale thinking might be keeping you and your business from succeeding.

Best Money Tips: 30 Things You Should Buy on Black Friday

Today we found articles on things that are worth buying on Black Friday, time-tested rules for civil conversation, and how to reduce your Internet presence.

What Every Employer Needs to Know about Garnishment

You've just received notice that a court has garnished one of your employee's wages. Now what?

6 Health Rules You Should Be Breaking

Cut yourself some slack. These time-honored health rules are out of date — and in some cases actually more harmful than healthful.

4 Tips for Living Spontaneously on the Cheap

It might seem like spontaneity is the enemy of frugality, but there are some simple ways to fit the fun of spontaneity into your frugal life.

4 Lies Business Owners Tell Themselves

Optimism in business is essential, but so is realism. Are you lying to yourself about the state of your business?

Best Money Tips: Bring Your Life in Balance

Today we found some awesome articles on bringing your life into balance, finishing what you start, and money saving tips for the holidays.

How to Ditch the Informational Meeting

Meetings, especially informational or status update meetings, can be a real drag on productivity. Learn how to make them action-oriented, instead.

Innovations In Advertising

Where won't clever marketers place their advertisements? Where will you?

Seeing Mickey for a Song: Disneyland for Less

If you want to explore the Happiest Place on Earth without having the saddest wallet, follow these tips from a frugal frequent visitor.

A Third Of Employees Are Ready to Quit: How To Hold On To Yours

The key to keeping your employees yours is keeping them engaged.

5 Things Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know About Employee Retirement Accounts

More than half of American small business employees don't have a workplace retirement plan. Here's why your small business should offer one.

5 Futuristic Business Opportunities

The times they are a'changing. Again. Here are five commercial and marketing trends you can look forward to -- and profit from -- in 2012.

Food Hacks: Recipes

Stop spending money on pre-packaged foods you can whip up at home! These stables are so simple — we promise.

Best Money Tips: Five Ways to Use Your Tax Refund

Today we found some awesome articles on five ways to use your tax refund, moving made eas, and teaching high school kids how to manage money.

It's Linktastic!

Thanks to everyone who linked to Wise Bread recently. We appreciate your vote of confidence. [more]

Thanks, Mom

My mom is awesome. There, I've said it. My mom is really one of the best moms that anyone could ever hope for. She's always there to talk, she's fun to have around, and my whole family is really good about helping each other out. [more]