Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Tax Brackets Explained

Why are you taxed what you're taxed? And how do some super-wealthy pay so little? Find out what your tax bracket means and why it matters.

How to Get Netflix and Hulu to Play on Your TV

Dropping your cable subscription and switching to content streamers like Hulu and Netflix is complicated. Or is it? Cutting the cord has never been easier.

10 Companies With the Highest Paid Interns

Not all internships are created equal. While most interns are lucky to get minimum wage, there are some positions that pay the equivalent of a six-figure salary.

28 Innovative Uses for Binder Clips

What can you do with binder clips? The question should really be "what can't you do?" From kitchen hacks to children's toys, check out the many uses for this little office gadget.

5 Voices to Tune Out When Managing Your Finances

Money is complicated and advice is often welcome. Just know that much of the money advice you hear may actually cost you. A lot.

4 Portfolio "Blind Spots" That Are Ruining Your Investments

Mental biases can keep you blind. When it comes to your investments, they can also keep you poor.

Which Credit Cards Have the Best Travel Redemption Value?

The best travel rewards credit card offers valuable redemption opportunities, including transferring to loyalty programs to redeem free flights and stays.

12 Ways to Improve Your Performance at Work

Apart from the satisfaction of a job well done, becoming better at your job can lead to a raise or a promotion (or both!). Here's how to make it happen.

This Is How the High Cost of Cheap Gas Hurts You

Turns out cheap gas isn't so cheap after all.

How to Financially Educate Your Children

Here are a few ways you can help your children create a healthy relationship with money.

10 Ways to Keep Your Laptop Safe When Traveling

Your laptop probably holds more critical personal data than anything else you own. Learn how to keep it safe and sound, especially when you're on the road.

9 DIY Beauty Masks Made From Food

Have a skin-soothing DIY spa day right in the comfort of home. You already have all the ingredients right in your pantry!

Revenge of the battery hack - 32 AAs inside a 6v Lantern Battery. BUT IS IT PHONEY?!

Ok, there's not really much that I can say to top this one. After the amazing work that Kipkay did over at Metacafe, the folks at gagfilms have gone one better. They've discovered

5 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill

If you're like me, a trip to the store for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk can easily run $30 to $40 bucks. Has inflation just really gone up in my neck of the woods? No... I j

What to Do if You've Signed Up for a Terrible Loan or Credit Card

Sometimes a loan or credit card doesn't work out to your favor. Is there any way out?

Mental Accounting: Why You Blow Your Tax Refund but Not Your Raise

Learn why we treat some money differently from other money — and how to get a better overall grip on your finances.

6 Easy Ways to Get Free Travel

Travel doesn't have to be expensive, in fact, you can see the world for free if you know where to look.

5 Ways to Make Money With Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon's Mechanical Turk is a service that allows people to hire several workers for tasks small and large. Discover how you can use the service to make extra money.

Can Too Many Credit Cards Hurt Your Credit Score?

You're responsible with your credit cards, but you sure have a lot of them. Is that a bad thing?

​How College Applicants Can Tour Scores of Campuses for $15 or Less

Real visits to potential alma maters can cost thousands. With the miracle of VR, you can get the feel for a far off campus for way, way less.