Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

35 Slow Cooker Recipes for Busy (or Lazy) Vegetarians

What could be easier than making vegetable stew? Making vegetable stew in a crock pot. Read on for that and 34 more delicious vegetarian recipes.

11 Life Skills That Are Now Completely Obsolete

Oh, how the times have changed — and not always for the better. Today's tech has all but rendered these once-crucial life skills obsolete.

This Airbnb Scam Will Ruin Your Vacation — and Your Budget

Before you hit the road on your next vacation, make sure you're aware of this awful Airbnb scam.

5 Phone Plans That Offer Cheaper Roaming Charges While Traveling

Using your smartphone abroad can mean hefty roaming charges. See if your carrier is on our list of reasonably priced phone plans for overseas travelers.

How to Turn Your Expertise Into a Side Hustle

Now that you've become an expert in a certain subject, why not make some money sharing what you know?

Beyond Goodwill: The Different Types of Thrift Stores

Looking for secondhand treasure? Knowing the pros and cons of each type of thrift store can help you decide where to shop.

Why You Should Buy Travel Insurance — Even if Your Credit Card Offers It For Free

So your credit card offers free travel insurance? Here's why you should still pay for it anyway.

Life Without Television

I haven't owned a television in over 7 years. I haven't lived in a house with a set in over 5 years. I spend my days largely television-free, and I actually like it.

Clams, Cheese, and Bread: Why We Call Money What We Do

Ever wonder why people call a dollar a "greenback" or a "buck?" Read on to learn the roots of those nicknames and more!

5 Money Moves Every Single Parent Should Make

Raising a kid by yourself takes strength, resilience, and perhaps most importantly, a solid financial footing.

Architect, Designer, or Contractor: Who Should You Hire for Your Project?

So you have a home project you've been wanting to tackle. Here's how to decide if you need a pricey pro.

9 Halloween Treats You Can Make in an Instant Pot

Make extra special Halloween treats for your family (and yourself) this Halloween. All you need is America's favorite new kitchen gadget and some inspiration.

5 Countries With No (Or Very Low) Taxes

Heading to one of these countries with very low taxes could be the ticket to paying less in taxes.

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Self-Care Essentials

Now that we're all stuck at home, it's the perfect opportunity to prioritize self-care. These items will help you get into extreme relaxation mode.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Do For Self-Care?

Tell us what you do for self-care and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Time-Management Fails — and How to Fix Them

You're never going to get more hours in the day, but with discipline, you can manage your time more efficiently.

Why there's no reason NOT to buy store brand baby formula.

There’s nothing like starting an article with a double negative is there? Sorry, but it was the easiest way to get my point across. As a father of a 3-year old and a soon to be 1-y

The 5 Best Acne Treatments

Give your skin a healthy and clear glow with the right acne treatment. Any of these five best acne treatments are good choices!

21 Disposable Products You Can Reuse

Don't throw away those so-called "one-time-use" items. Here are some creative ways to reuse them — and save some money in the process.

9 Essential Personal Finance Skills to Teach Your Kid Before They Move Out

Your child is ready to leave the nest. Have you armed them with the right money skills they need to flourish?