Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

After you decide to buy life insurance, it's time to figure out how much life insurance you need and for how long. Jeff Rose, CFP, has a simple formula to get you started.

Kilowatts a Killer? Tips for Air-Drying Clothes

With electricity rates and propane prices rising, we learned in a big hurry how to dry our clothes with minimal dryer use.

Best Money Tips: Paying Off Your Debt

Today we found some awesome articles on paying off your debt, asking for a raise, and saving cash at the airport.

How to Get More Value From Delta Air Lines SkyMiles

Delta is the only major airline that doesn't publish an award chart, but it's still possible to get decent value from your SkyMiles.

9 Crazy Investments of the Rich and Famous

The rich and famous are no strangers to wild money matters. Do any of these crazy investments ring a bell?

How Much Engagement Ring Can You Actually Afford?

Popping the question can be a pricey prospect. You'll get the "yes" with less stress if you know going in what you should expect to pay.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Have a Frugal Halloween?

Tell us how you have a frugal Halloween and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How a Teenager Started A Multi-Million Dollar Online Business with a Parrot. UPDATED

Sit down and grab a cup of your favorite beverage. I’m about to tell you the remarkable story of a young man who has built a successful online business; one that makes in excess of

8 Personal Finance Resolutions Anyone Can Master

Make — and keep! — these simple money resolutions in the new year. Your finances will thank you.

How to Do What Identity Theft Protection Companies Do...for FREE

Identity theft protection is a big business. We show you how to protect your identity for free.

7 Tools and Gadgets Your Smartphone Can Replace

Clear the clutter and keep your smartphone, because with the right apps, it becomes a universal tool that makes your everyday life easier.

9 Financial Skills Everyone Needs During Hard Times

When the going gets tough, the tough get frugal. Stick to those frugal habits when finances brighten, and you'll save even more.

5 Times You Shouldn't Rush to Pay Off Your Mortgage

Every homeowner dreams of owning their home free and clear. Before you rush to pay that mortgage down, consider what else your money might do.

11 Signs You Need to Dump Your Friend

Gossips, cheats, assorted scoundrels — you don't need them in your life, so go ahead and drop them. And not just on Facebook, either.

17 Classic Desserts We All Miss

Bring a little air of nostalgia to your next potluck with one of these classically delicious desserts.

45 Special Sweet Potato Dishes

One of the world's true superfoods, the sweet potato is also delicious and versatile. Add some sweet potato to your menu today!

Retirement on the installment plan

Among the fraction of the population who manage to put money aside, many view their investments through the lens of retirement.  They've got a number in mind--call it $X--enoug

Help Your Teenager Earn Their First Million

As adults, how many times have you wished you had invested money as a teenager or young(er) adult? We're all aware of the power of compounding interest, and the idea that starting

How to Use Glassdoor to Earn More Money

Website Glassdoor has long be the place to visit to learn more about a potential employer. Now it can help you learn what you're worth.

How to Use Credit Cards Responsibly During the Holidays

It's easy to get carried away during the holidays. Here's how to enjoy the season, without running up big balances on your cards.