Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Reasons You Should Always Hire a Moving Company

You're moving into a new place, and you're trying to save some cash. Whatever you do, don't skimp on professional movers.

School Bookstores Can't Afford Cheap Textbooks

I'm taking just one course this semester, with just one reasonably priced textbook. According to the back cover, the price was $29.95, but that isn't the price I paid. I pu

Are You Eating the 10 Most Over-Priced Restaurant Menu Items?

It's no secret that dining out costs more than dining in. A Wise Bread writer runs the numbers on her local grubberies and to find out how much more.

How to Take the World's Most Efficient Shower

When your hot water's lacking but your body odor isn't, clean off fast with this quick, water saving shower technique.

8 Gifts the Man in Your Life Really Wants

Truthfully no man wants a cardigan for Christmas, here are some sure fire gifts to make the men in your life smile.

How to Select a Charity to Donate to After a Natural Disaster

Before making a charitable donation after a natural disaster, it's important to make sure your gift is going to a reputable organization. Here's how to check.

17 Cool Jobs for Book Lovers

Reading is fundamental — to an exciting career in words. Read on, bookworms, for the job just right for you.

Ask the Readers: What is Your Best Back-to-School Shopping Tip?

Tell us your best back-to-school shopping tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Things Other Grocery Stores Should Steal from Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's keeps me coming back by offering low-cost, healthy groceries — and if other grocery stores want to stay in business, they better do the same.

5 Reasons Why I Don’t Clip Coupons

Many people consider clipping coupons to be one of the major tenets of frugal living. But all that time spent searching and snipping might not be worth it.

Best Credit Cards for Office Supply Purchases

Businesses aren't the only ones who need office supplies -- students and regular households do, too! These credit cards offer big rewards for office essentials.

14 Ways to Allergy-Proof Your Home

Allergy season has arrived. Is your home ready?

7 Smart Ways to Invest in Your Health

Looking for a smart place to put your money? You don't have to look far.

Frugal... or just plain wrong?

You know what I love? Getting something for nothing. Oh, it's rare. It's also sort of greedy and raises all kinds of ethical questions. [more]

8 Ways to Get Paid to Read

The next time you're relaxing with a good book you could be getting paid for it.

4 Reasons Why a Roth IRA May be Better Than Your 401(k)

Which is better, a Roth IRA or 401(k)? A mix of both may be your best option - here's why.

5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life

Your digital life can become overwhelming quickly if you don't get organized. Start decluttering your bytes!

Best Money Tips: Use These Apps to Be More Productive

Today we found articles on apps that can make you more productive, tips for mindful consumption, and budget saving trends that don’t work.

The 5 Best Blow Dryers

You can let nature dry your hair on its own, or you can shape your locks according to your whim with one of these five best hair dryers. Your choice!

Extreme Couponing? 5 Reasons Why I’ll Pass.

40 hours per week clipping coupons? Stockpiling products you may never use? Extreme couponing may be all the rage, but it's more like madness to me.