Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Dumb Ways to Scare Off Potential Homebuyers

Before you put your home on the market take a look around. Would you buy a place that looks like yours?

10 of America's Awesomest Cheap Cities

The culture, the people, the food — city life is great, but it's also expensive. Luckily, these smaller cities offer big city amenities at country prices.

10 Ways to Get the Most Out of a Home Warranty

Hot water heater on the fritz? Your home warranty can help with that...if you follow a few simple guidelines.

Is an All-Cash Diet Right for You?

Budget in the red again? Quell your craving to overspend with plastic with an all-cash diet instead.

Diagnose and Improve Your Financial Health: A 10-Item Checklist

If you resolved to take better care of your finances in 2011, learn what to fix first — and how — with this checkup list.

Eat Like a King: Menus and Recipes for Royalty

You may not be royalty, but that doesn't mean you can't eat like a future king with these meal plans and recipes from five celebrated chefs.

10 Books to Read for a Better Money Mindset

Struggling to stay true to your higher-self financial goals? Any of these reads can reset your money mindset.

The Secret to Better Money Management May Be in Your Past

Those sepia-toned remembrances of your past self aren't just for afternoon daydreams — you can turn them into powerful motivators, too.

5 More Fun, Affordable Train Trips

Summer's over, but don't let that stop you from one of these fun and frugal train trips. They're great for a fabulous fall excursion.

13 Small Kitchen Appliances That Aren't Worth the Money

Culinary gadgets may look irresistible in the store, but they're really just clutter on your countertop and a drag on your budget.

Translating Volunteer Experiences to Workplace Credentials

Need ideas for parlaying volunteer hours into skills and experiences valued by employers? Even if you haven’t received a paycheck in exchange for creative ideas, event planning, or

5 Sites That Will Pay for Your Old iPhone

If you want the new iPhone 7, but balk at the price tag, these five sites can help you get the most money for your old phone.

7 Money Moves Every New College Student Should Make

You're in college, and you have a lot to learn. Add these key money moves to your curriculum!

5 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Job

From a bad attitude to a blabber mouth, these behaviors may be the reason you can't keep a job.

12 Financial Moves to Make When a Loved One Dies

Putting off money matters is common even in the best of times. But in the weeks following the death of a loved one, these money decisions can't wait.

8 Frugal and Refreshing Popsicles to Make This Summer

Leave the pricey sugary treats in the store freezer, and keep cool with these simple and frugal DIY ice pops instead.

I Love Tax Season (and Why It's Like Christmas)

I have a confession to make: I love tax season. Not just the days when I do my taxes or when I file my taxes or get a chunk of change deposited to my account, but the entire Tax S

8 Signs You're Committing Financial Infidelity

Does your partner know everything they need to know about your finances?

The Different Types of Loans: A Primer

Do you know the basics of various loans? If not, then check out this loan primer.

6 Ways Travel in Retirement Keeps You Young

Retirement is the perfect time to realize those dreams of traveling the world! What are you waiting for — go!