Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Spouses and Debt: Who's Really on the Hook for Those Bills?

Marriage is for better or for worse — even when it comes to credit card debt. Your spouse's unpaid debts may be affecting you, too.

5 Off-Season Foods That Are Destroying Your Grocery Budget

Off-season fruits and veggies are eating a hole in your grocery budget. Know when to stock up, and when to skip.

8 Sneaky Ways Wholesale Clubs Get You to You Spend More

You'll never shop at Sam's Club or Costco the same way again.

You're Going to Get a Traffic Ticket Soon

How soon? Probably within a year, but it depends on what shape your state's economy is in. Learn more, plus suggestions for how to avoid the dreaded lights and sirens.

Ask the Readers: What's the Most Valuable Degree? (Chance to win $20)

What do you think would the most valuable degree? Is it even a degree? Maybe it's an apprenticeship or technical training certificate.... Let us know your thoughts in order to

3 Ways Retirees Can Build Credit

When you retire, many of life's little worries melt away. Unfortunately, worrying about your credit score doesn't.

7 Generic Beauty Buys Better Than the Expensive Originals

Don't be fooled by designer brand names and fancy packaging. For these beauty buys, give your wallet a break and go generic.

3 Exciting Overseas Winter Vacation Destinations

Looking to book an exciting winter getaway? Look no further than these overseas destinations.

Wedding Dresses for Under $200

Target is offering wedding dresses for under $200! Now, I've been griping lately about imported Chinese goods. These Isaac Mizrahi gowns are probably sewn in sweatshops in Asia, so mentioning them here isn't meant as a promotion per se. [more]

The 3-Step Plan to Choosing Your First (or Next) Mutual Fund

Choosing your first mutual fund may seem daunting. A small investment of time and these easy steps can help you get started building a portfolio.

Last night I threatened to disconnect my cable

Sit down, relax, and let me tell you a story. A story about how you get to be a hero, and how to get your cable company begging on all fours like a dog. [more]

5 Ways to Save Money on New Flooring

Whether you want plush carpet or gleaming hardwood, you can get high-quality flooring without paying crazy prices — just follow these suggestions.

How to Get Fired

In honor of the recent end of my employment, I thought I'd find some good tips on how to... well, to end your employment! Here are some of my favorites from around the interwebs: Arrive late for work. Being on time is for wimps. [more]

A 5-Step Plan to Quitting Your Job

Want to quit your job? If you play your cards right, you can use these steps to turn an awkward situation into a great new career opportunity.

3 Reasons to Get Your Master’s Degree Abroad

If you're looking to get your master's degree, you might want to study abroad. Here's why.

All the Modern Ways You Can Order Pizza

Using a telephone to order a pizza is so 10 years ago. These days, all you need to have a fresh pie delivered to your door is an emoji.

What's the big deal about banks refusing to lend?

Anybody--but especially frugal people--can be excused for thinking that the whole credit crisis thing is being overblown. After all, we get along without debt. In fact, we str

Ask the Readers: What Big Purchase Has Helped You Save Money?

Tell us about a big purchase that has helped you save money and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Things the United States Should Copy From Other Countries

The United States has a lot to recommend it, but there's always room for improvement. Let's look abroad for better ways of doing things and and start improving.

9 Sneaky Home Money Pits That Sap Your Savings

Household money pits aren't always obvious. Beware these sneaky money sinks hiding right under your nose.