Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Replacing a Crappy Job

There are really only two things you can do with a crappy job: tolerate it or replace it. Happily, the crappier a job is, the easier it is to replace.

Castles, Ranches, and Other Weird, Affordable Hotel Alternatives

Hotels and vacation rentals are fine, but dull. For the most memorable travel adventures, look for these fun, frugal, and freaky lodging options.

4 Ways to Save Money at the Bars

Getting together with friends for drinks is great...until the bill comes. Here are four ways to lessen the cost of a night out at the bar.

Best Money Tips: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Today we found articles natural ways to whiten your teeth, the best places for new dads to work, and ways to sell clothes for cash.

6 Times You Should Drive Instead of Fly

Face it — flying these days is a hassle, especially if you're flying with family. Here's how to decide if you should just drive, instead.

10 Types of Neighbors That Are Costing You Money

Your neighbor may be the biggest drain on your finances, and you don't even realize it. Are you living near one of these types of bad neighbors?

5 Money Problems You Can Solve With a Good Attitude

Money cannot buy happiness; but can happiness create wealth? Well, with a good attitude, you really can solve many of life's financial problems.

Best Money Tips: Couponing Strategies That Save Time and Money

Today we found articles on couponing strategies that save time and money, easy ways to save $300 a month, and the most cost-effective things you can find at a thrift store.

4 Money Resolutions You Should Skip This Year

There's nothing wrong with making New Year's money resolutions — the fresh start effect can jump start good habits. Just don't make any of these.

Outsourcing Payroll: The Ins and Outs

Outsourcing your payroll to a company that can handle it for a fee can make sense and even save your business money on administrative costs.

Gigwalk: Get Paid While You Walk!

With this new smartphone-based service, you can earn extra cash completing little tasks for other people while you're already out and about.

Do Daily Deals Make Good Gifts?

Groupons and other daily-deal coupons are a great way for you to save on restaurants, classes, and more...but are they also a great way to save on gifts?

Best Money Tips: 4 Ways to Stop Keeping Up With the Joneses

Today we found articles on how to stop keeping up with the Joneses, the biggest money wasters, and ways to help a friend with low self-esteem.

6 Ways to Monitor Your Brand on Twitter

If your brand is mentioned on Twitter, but you're not there to hear it, did that brand mention really benefit your business?

Why Scientists Say You Should Be Committing the 7 Deadly Sins

Sloth, Pride, Gluttony — go for it! It turns out that sinning — in moderation — is probably actually good for you.

5 Reasons Your Customers Aren't Using Your Website

Make it easy for your customers to get what they want from your website or your competitors will.

Tips for Thriving in Long-Term Unemployment

What's more discouraging that unemployment? Long-term unemployment. Follow these steps to make your time productive and get back to work.

Job Hunting Resources

The job search process is never easy, but there are ways to improve your chances of landing a job.

What Is Your Time Worth?

If a top hedge fund manager takes out his garbage, you could say that it cost him more than $100,000. What is your time worth?

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