Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Safely Test Makeup Before You Buy

Testing out makeup before making a purchase is a great way to save money, but the store samples can harbor a plethora of harmful germs. Here's how to do it safely.

Best Money Tips: Must-Have Tools for the DIY Life

Today we found articles on must-have tools for households that like to DIY, food items you should stop buying and make instead, and beginner tips for raising backyard chickens.

What It Costs to Raise a Child

You probably already know (or, if you're not a parent, you've already guessed) that it costs a lot to raise a child. But just how much is "a lot"?

How to Earn $1,000 a Month or More as an Online Tutor

If you have some knowledge to spare, you could have a lucrative new side gig as a tutor.

How to Save Big on Indoor and Outdoor Greenery

Plants bring the beauty of nature into your home, but costs can add up. Here's how to keep your budget in the black when planting more green.

Why It Pays to Be a Patient Shopper

When you want something, you want it now! But buying the first acceptable option that fits your budget could be costing you big bucks.

5 Websites for Swapping Your Clothes and Refreshing Your Wardrobe

Clothing swaps parties have become popular in recent years as frugal and fashion conscious men and women find that trading clothes is a great way to update a wardrobe for next to n

We Do the Math: Will an Electric Mower Trim Lawn Care Costs?

Should you get a gas lawn mower or electric? Let's weigh the financial pros and cons and see which offers the most value.

9 Cities You Never Knew Went Bankrupt

We all know the plight of Detroit, but the Motor City isn't the only American city to go BK. You might be surprised by these other bankrupt 'burgs.

25 Things You Shouldn't Buy at the Grocery Store

The grocery store has become a one-stop shop for a variety of items. But doing all of your shopping at the Piggly Wiggly might be costing you serious cash.

5 Reasons to Use Your Outdoor Furniture -– Inside

I purchased a lovely outdoor furniture set this year for my future patio. The problem was that the patio never got built. Our solution? Bring it inside. Here are the five reasons w

The stuff I try never to buy new

I don't like buying new. It's not that I consider myself to be some kind of Scrooge. I just have a hard time paying more for something than I need to, and often we take tha

What Exactly Does Travel Accident Insurance Cover on Credit Cards?

Travel accident insurance may be included with your credit card -- find out what it covers.

13 Ways to Make a Good First Impression at Your Next Job Interview

You did something right on your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile and landed the interview. Don't blow it know by making a bad first impression.

5 Places to Get Cheaper Diapers

After having five children, I know a few things about finding diaper deals. Follow my suggestions, and you'll never have to pay full-price for diapers again.

How I Scored Tons of Free Stuff By Building a Small Social Media Audience

You don't need a million followers to score tons of free goodies. Tweet faster!

The Produce Worker's Guide to Choosing Fruits and Vegetables

Getting the most out of your fruits and vegetables starts at the store. Learn how to pick the freshest produce from someone who knows the tricks of the trade.

Carnival Of Scams - Top 4 fairground cons

Go to the fairground, get taken for a ride. Yep, those sneaky Real Hustlers are at it again. This time they've been uncovering the basic tricks and cons performed by your friendly neighborhood fairground staff. [more]

How to refill an ink cartridge with a small piece of tape

Is your printer lying to you? If you own a Brother inkjet printer, that's probably a big yes. As Slate magazine reports, a clever chap over at has discovered

4 Cheap and Easy Homemade Mosquito Repellents

When summer hits, the mosquitoes start swarming. Here are several easy, cheap, and chemical-free recipes for making homemade mosquito repellent.