Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How an HSA Could Help Your Retirement

You know socking money into a 401(k) or IRA will help fund your retirement years. An HSA could help, too.

Avoiding grass-is-always-greener syndrome

For a worker down in the cube farm, it's easy to see the dysfunction of your own company, and to imagine that almost anyplace else would be better. The thing is, companies are all

5 School Lunches That Will Make Your Kid Smarter

Skip the sugary snacks and soft drinks. Give your kids a mid-day brain boost with these nutritious — and delicious — school lunches.

Want Stylish Shoes That Last for Years? Try Frye

A single pair of Frye boots bought for a trip to Italy impressed the wearer so much, she soon bought another pair of boots and two pairs of flats.

Menu Planning Backwards and Forwards

We all know it saves time and money to plan a weekly dinner menu. You're also more likely to eat a healthy diet and less likely to cop out and pick up a Big Mac, because you know y

7 Cool Things Bonds Tell You About the Economy

Bonds may not be the snazziest investment, but they sure can tell us a lot about how the economy is doing. Here's why it's smart to start paying attention to bonds.

11 Ways to Update Peanut Butter and Jelly

PB&J is quick, easy, and delicious. But even the most ardent peanut-butter-and-jelly lovers can get bored by eating the same three ingredients.

Stuck at the Airport? Relax With These 14 Easy Self-Care Tricks

Being stuck at the airport is no fun, but these self-care moves will keep the stress at bay.

Telemarketers Prank Call Me - 800-266-9420

Constant calls from 800-266-9420? Fight back.

10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Buy in Bulk

You know buying in bulk is a great way to save. From meat to paint, go beyond warehouse store basics with this collection of bulk buy surprises.

Don't Go to College to Learn

There are good reasons to go to college. And, if you do go to college, you will no doubt learn a lot. But you can learn anywhere — and probably learn more, better, and fast

10 Things You Did Wrong at Your Last Job Interview

Have you landed a couple interviews, but never the job? Maybe you're committing one of these common job interview mistakes.

Would You Drive One of the 10 Smallest Cars Ever Made?

Car designers have been creating small, practical runabouts for decades. Here are 10 fun and cute cars you probably won't ever see parked at Costco.

Best Money Tips: How to Improve Yourself — Constantly

Today we found articles on ways to constantly improve yourself, how to save money on home repairs, and ways to save money by taking a vacation.

12 Ways to Stop Skipping Your Workouts

You really meant to do your workout today, but… Replace those I-meant-tos with actual workouts with some simple, effective motivators.

Welcome to the Real World - My Best Advice for New Graduates

I graduated from college just three years ago, so the confusion and anxiety I felt after graduating college is still quite fresh in my mind. I moved out of my parents' house a wee

Should you skip a mortgage payment to get a bank's attention?

The Obama administration announced a foreclosure prevention and mortgage reduction program about two months ago, and as of April less than 1000 loans have been refinanced under th

Reach Your Money Goals Faster With a Simple Naming Trick

Mortgage repayment, emergency funds… these things may not be "fun," but a cheeky approach to banking can make them a whole lot less stressful.

3 TV Must-Haves Once You Cut the Cable Cord

Cutting the cable cord is a great way to save money. These services and gizmos will make the snip a snap.

15 Home Decorating Ideas for Under $5

It can be a struggle to keep your household decorations interesting while keeping your budget in check, but these 15 ideas will help you do both.