Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Stocks to Dump Before the New Year

Sometimes even investments have sell-by dates. You might want to cut your losses with these investments before 2017.

My 2016 Budget Challenge: What to Do With a Totaled Car

Things took an unfortunate turn for Max — somewhat literally — on the 110 Freeway. Can she find the silver lining in her totaled set of wheels?

The 5 Best Diapers

Keeping your baby clean and accident-free isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these diapers and there's will much less mess with your little one.

Best Money Tips: 9 Good Reasons to Can Your Own Food

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you why canning is the real deal, how to find "super-secret" stadium deals, and how to encourage a capitalist kid!

Best Money Tips: Strange Ways to Make Money

Today, we give you a survivor's list of edible plants, an unconventional idea for a side business, and tips to save money on kids' winter wear!.

4 Ways Stores Trick Us Into Impulse Buys (And How to Resist)

Retailers go to a lot of effort to make your purchases effortless. Watch out for these ploys designed to get you to buy more than you need.

Best Money Tips: Pet Safety Over the Holidays

Today we share holiday hazards pet owners should beware of, airline fees to avoid, easy (and mostly tasty) homemade gift ideas for the holidays, and more!

'Tis the Season for Decluttering: Why and How To Do It

Forget spring cleaning — the last week of the year is the best time to clean house. Here's why.

Best Money Tips: Money-Saving Tips for Backyard Grill Masters

Today we found articles on money-saving tips for backyard grill masters, over 50 hacks that will save you money on Amazon, and tips for planning an affordable honeymoon.

7 Habits That Are Quietly Making You Fat (and Have Nothing to Do With Eating)

Scale groaning a little more each time you step on? Lots of bad, little diet and fitness habits add up to big pounds. Think small fixes and lose it!

Best Money Tips: More Affordable Auto Insurance

Today we found some great articles on ways to make your auto insurance policy more affordable, money lessons for teens, and ways you could be wasting money.

8 Dumb Little Things Holding You Back From a Healthy Relationship

Relationships are hard. Are you making yours harder with any of these little relationship spoilers?

Best Money Tips: Surprising Ways to Beat Stress

Today we found some great articles on surprising ways to beat stress, bad habits you may have when you shop for clothes, and simple ways to be inspired.

Best Money Tips: How to Get Free Wi-Fi at the Airport

Today we found articles on how to get free Wi-Fi at the airport, quick and easy ways to organize your closet, and simple habits to help you stop overthinking.

7 Genuine Ways to Generate Click-Throughs

Even if the intended (message recipient) loves your company, adores your products, and admires your ethics, she needs a reason for clicking through. Here are seven ways to get

Best Money Tips: De-stress At Your Desk

Today we found some great articles on ways to de-stress at your desk, how to succeed, and ways to be credit card smart.

Tax Rules You Should Know About for 2011

There is an enormous amount of uncertainty about federal taxes for 2010 and 2011. Amid this uncertainty, there are some new rules that will take effect in 2011.

5 Romantic, Inexpensive Anniversary Celebrations

A frugal approach to relationship anniversaries can still spur fun and spark romance. Try one of these creative and inexpensive ideas.

The Etiquette of Calling for References

References can be your best opportunity to learn about a potential long as you handle the call right.

Identifying Good Managers Through Leadership Competencies

Clearly defining required proficiencies can help you create a stellar management team. Get started on your list with these 12 common ones.