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Small Business Resource Center
There's nothing worse than having to chase down slow-paying customers. Oh wait, there is something worse: the ones who don't pay at all.
The price of your product is an essential part of your marketing strategy. Here are some of the strategic factors you need to consider regarding your pricing.
Even if the intended (message recipient) loves your company, adores your products, and admires your ethics, she needs a reason for clicking through. Here are seven ways to get
The quickest, easiest way to increase your income is to raise your prices. If you’re worried about losing customers, do the math. You’ll be surprised at how many yo
Venture capital can be an option for certain small businesses, although not all companies are a good fit.
Most startup, entrepreneurial, and growing businesses struggle to solve the mystery of how to properly and effectively structure their accounting and finance department to max
The value of social media lies mostly in the daily process of helping every employee do their job more efficiently and effectively.
It always gives me a bit of hope when a company actually goes above and beyond the call of duty and provides excellent customer support. Here are a few recent example
When you need money to start a business, where should you look? Venture capital, private investors, or a bank? Maybe none of the above. Here's why.
When the time comes to sell your company, you want to be able to smoothly transition your business to the new owner. That can take planning.
Navigating the healthcare system takes effort but the time spent can yield a big payoff in terms of cost savings. An affordable plan with good benefits can also positively imp
What would happen if you lost the data on your business's computer system or if it was hacked? Small businesses need to recognize the cost of not properly addressing web securit
Running your small business is a multi-faceted task, of which risk management plays a vital role. And insurance in turn is a crucial element to risk management.
What should trigger the decision to hire (or designate) an employee dedicated to customer service? If you're running an ecommerce business, your company can benefit from the
When times are tough, finding ways to squeeze cash out of your business may mean the difference between survival and failure. Here are a few ideas to stimulate your cash flow.
Legally speaking, you can ask just about anything at a job interview. But there are plenty of questions that you should never actually ask, because they'll quickly come back to
As your business grows, you'll likely have other people paying money out. Tracking those expenses and, if need be, reimbursing them, requires a system that you can sign off on a
In order to run your business from the road, you probably still need a phone number, internet access, and a mailing address. Here are a few strategies for maintaining them in a
As your business grows, you’ll find that expanding via the web will be less expensive for certain P&L line items but require extra spending in other categories.
Your balance sheet and income statement tell a banker more about your business than you may think. You need to know what goes on in your banker’s head when reading your financia