As Janice and I raised our four children, we thought we were doing all right, but we weren’t . We bought new cars we couldn’t afford. We used credit cards regularly and were constantly telling each other, “We need to get this thing paid down.” Then, a few years ago, I started listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio. His simple, hard hitting message struck a chord in me. I went home and told Janice about this guy who has the gall to tell people to grow up, sacrifice and get out of debt.
We read his book, “The Total Money Makeover” and we were hooked. We made a budget and got serious about attacking our debts. We sold an expensive car and bought a less expensive car. We even paid off our house! I started hosting Financial Peace classes at our church and was amazed at the interest in our church and community. We were seeing dozens of people get out of debt and get control of their money. I knew that God had more plans for me. What if I could help lots of people with their finances?
It was time for me to get certified to do financial counseling and open my own business. I started Plemon Financial Coaching in the fall of 2006 and have loved meeting and helping dozens of people. Some are deeply in debt and some are quite wealthy. But all had one thing in common: they did not have a plan. By learning their short term and long term fiancial goals, I help them develop a biblically based plan to achieve those goals. In fact, my Mission Statment reads, “I promise to give others hope by helping them meet their financial goals through the use of biblical principles.”
I have learned much about personal finance during these past few years and as I have been learning I have been writing. My financial coaching experience gives me plenty of real life scenarios that readers relate to. I have been the Money Columnist for the Southern Illinoisan newspaper (circulation 30,000) since October, 2007. I also write a weekly column for my home town weekly newspaper. Friends and readers have encouraged me to start a blog, so “Personal Finance by the Book” seems to be a natural progression for me.
But this endeavor is not about me. It is about you. I want to be your consumer advocate. I want to give you good reasons to do the right things with your finances. I plan to be open and transparent about my own journey and how it dovetails with biblical principles and your own journey. I covet your input. If you disagree with ANYTHING I write, please speak up. And if I get something right, I appreciate your taking the time to let me know.
I thank you for joining me on this journey. I sincerely wish to be a source of hope and encouragement for you. I want to help you win at money and life.