Mrs. Shareeke Edmead-Nesi has been a Financial Educator since 2002. Her financial education commenced at a young age, during that time her parents impressed upon her the importance of having an excellent credit score and how vital it is to save money for a “rainy day.”
During her college years, she didn’t listen to her parents’ advice, indicative of most young adults. She began experimenting with credit cards and making purchases she couldn’t afford. To make matters worse she became an emotional spender, subsequently shopping to make herself feel better in stressful times. As her college years continued, she realized that she was in extreme debt.
In the year 2000, Shareeke reverted to her financial foundation and evolved into a conscious repairer of her finances. She worked towards eliminating her debt by creating a plan that allowed her to pay off her small debt first, and then tackle the large ones. This changed her life tremendously in a positive way. Shareeke began reading, attending financial seminars and started learning personal finances in a way that she never knew before. Equipped with that knowledge she realizes that all financial decisions are important ones and to create true wealth you must start with a conscious spenders mind.
Currently, Shareeke is a conscious minded spender, who not only has an extremely high credit score, but saves, invests and diversifies her portfolio. Utilizing the “Conscious Spender” mindset has allowed her the freedom to indulge in things she loves, such as TRAVELING around the world, EATING great food and RELAXING at luxurious SPAS!
Why she chooses to educate other people. She educates other people no matter what their socioeconomic level, in order to create for them a world of less financial stress. She teaches the fundamental skills that will develop a strong financial forecast for their families today and future generations. She teaches individuals of all ages, how to develop better financial habits. So they can live a fabulous lifestyle today and for years to come!