I’m Julie and in 2006 I hired myself to make the most of my family’s finances. I started The Family CEO to document my efforts and to share what I’ve learned. I blog about making money, saving money, and paying off debt. I’m all about living a simpler life too.
I consider myself a mom blogger, but not the kind whose days are filled with preschools and playdates. My children are high school and college aged, so I blog a lot about paying for college. And my husband and I are at the ages where aggressively paying down debt and saving for retirement are not just "someday" goals but "right now" realities, so those topics show up regularly as well.
Still, financial goals are only valuable to the extent that they help you live a life that you love, so The Family CEO also includes posts about traveling, making a home, entertaining, and giving back.
You can keep up with what's going on on the blog by subscribing via email or RSS. The Family CEO also has an active Facebook page where you'll find quick tips, photos, and follow-ups to posts.