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Let me introduce myself.
My name is Jim Smith and I am an Australian Chartered Accountant who has been tracking, toying with and experimenting his networth for 15 years. In that time I’ve probably made every monetary mistake there possible is – which added up to a very expensive education (on top of university). I have also been a (sort of) trader over this time and made some pretty consistent results btween 2003 and 2006, before other job, wife, kids and everything else got in the way of being able to dedicate enough time to trading. I never really had enough capital to throw myself full time at it, so I put it to oneside and focused on raising a family.
I am now returning to my trading roots. This blog will be a blog by blog account of the highs and lows of my trading life. I still have my day job – for now. My exit date is the end of 2012 and for that to be the case I need to be making low six figures. I love the freedom that trading gives, but am terrified about my skills and ability to make a decent living from trading.
Its also my families story of getting to be High Networth. I track our income and expenses regularly and report on our (hopefully) increasing networth each month. Its our aim to be not just ‘rich’ (a million won’t really cut it anymore) but to push ourselves into the High Networth category so that we can really live the “good life”.
Feel free to contact me with any questions and I love it if you followed my at my twitter address (@ultrahnw) or via RSS or on Facebook. I am sure that if you can profit from even the smallest number of money mistakes we have made over the years, you will be very rich indeed.