
Here's How Far $1 Million Will Actually Go in Retirement

Many people hope to save a cool million for their retirement. But depending on where you live, $1 million may not be nearly enough.

7 Trendy Destinations for Digital Nomads

When the world is your office, you can work from anywhere. These seven cities are perfect for the busy digital nomad.

Retire for Half the Cost in These 5 Countries

Help your retirement funds go twice as far by retiring in one of these beautiful locales abroad. They're almost too cheap to be true!

The 5 Best Cities for Starting Over

So long, Stinktown! If your current zipcode just isn't doing it for you, pull up stakes and start over fresh in one of these five forward looking 'burgs.

The 5 Best Mid-Sized Cities for Millennials

You don't have to make it there to make it somewhere. Enjoy big city living without the big city cost in these five medium-sized metropolises.

The 7 Best Affordable Cities to Start a Family

The big city life doesn't have to be a pipe dream. For new or young families, these hopping metros offer everything you want — at an affordable cost.

6 Best Cities for Frugal Lovers of the Arts

Looking to experience some creative culture without the NYC or San Francisco cost? Check out these cheaper, but super creative cities for art lovers.

8 Best Cities for Frugal Lovers of the Outdoors

These affordable cities are perfect for nature lovers who live to mix their urban adventures with their outdoor escapes. Get out there!