
Will Your Brand Boycott Actually Make a Difference?

A boycott may make you feel like you're fighting the good fight. Just don't expect to win.

New Credit Card Rules: Who Really Benefits?

Credit card industry reform may have good intentions, but will these rules encourage the same behavior that made reform necessary in the first place?

Recession Journal V: Mind, The GAP

Some well known mainstays of Corporate America have decided not to wait for an official recovery but to sell the idea of it to you. Can we collectively as corporate citizens and co

Does living frugally hurt the economy?

When I advocate for frugal living, people sometimes ask, "What if everybody lived like that?  Wouldn't it hurt the economy?"  My natural inclination toward frugal liv

Will gas top $4 a gallon this summer? I say yes.

Before you go jumping all over the place and pointing out that I have done no real market analysis to back up my prediction, I would like to point out: I have done no real market analysis to back up my prediction. [more]