
4 Ways to Keep Envy From Ruining Your Retirement Investments

Envy is a mega-danger to your finances. The green-eyed monster can even ruin your investments.

4 Money Lessons You Can Learn From the Joneses

The Joneses seem like they have it all. It turns out they have some valuable money lessons to offer, too.

How to Rise Above Financial Jealousy

It's easy to feel jealous about someone else's possessions, or even their life. But it's worth remembering that not all is as it seems.

Flashback Friday: 42 Ways the 7 Deadly Sins Are Keeping You Poor

Greed, pride, and the five other deadly sins might be the reason for your financial struggles.

6 Ways Envy Is Keeping You Poor

This deadly sin can have major financial implications. Is envy keeping you from success?

The Five Stages of Not Shopping

When people see us make a lifestyle change — even a positive one like frugality — their responses often resemble the Five Stages of Grief.

Will That Thing Really Change Your Life?

Will it make you happy? Will it bring you the endless hours of joy that you imagine when you look at it? What thing am I talking about? Well, it's different for every person,

The seven deadly sins of consumerism (and the frugal redemption).

Sit ye down, hold your loved ones tight, and get ready for the seven deadliest sins of the modern day consumer. (By the way, I know I’m a movie buff when I can reference two of the greatest films ever made in one blog headline. [more]