
Tips for Preventing Swine Flu Naturally

It is impossible to avoid coming into contact with the Swine Flu (H1N1), or any other strain of flu for that matter. Because it can take three days before germs entering your body

Surviving Swine Flu

By now, you're probably really tired of hearing about the swine flu. Frankly, I am. But the swine flu isn't like the regular flu, and since the H1N1 vaccine isn't widely available

How Much Does a Flu Shot Cost?

When it comes time for you to think about getting your seasonal flu shot, there are a few ways to go about getting one – each one with a different price tag. Before you run out and

Economic effects of pandemic flu in a recession

While health authorities worry about the human cost of pandemics, other policy-makers have tended to focus on the economic costs. Economic impact takes many forms--drops in produc