
It's Hip to Be Square: Processing Credit Cards On Your Phone

It’s safe to say, of late, you can do just about everything but brush your teeth with an iPhone. You’re always wondering what else the creatives at Apple are going to think of next

The Cell Phone App That's Saving Me A Small Fortune

Recently, I upgraded to my very first smartphone. And, being the frugal shopper that I am, I quickly searched for the best apps I could find that would help me save money. I was l

3 Ways Technology Makes Personal Finances Easier

From saving money to staying on budget, technology has made it easier than ever to stay on top of my personal finances. Here are 3 ways technology has helped me save money and time

Six Ways an iPhone Can Save You Money

A lot of people find themselves wondering if phones like the iPhone are worth the money. Here are 6 reasons why they are.

Help End Hunger, Get Kindled, and 3 More Positive Web Tips You Should Know About

There are days when little bits of good news can help undercut the bad. With a recent initiative by Tyson to end hunger, a new super-groovy Kindle-esque iPhone app, and a killer c

When greed backfires - an iPhone story.

  As you all know, the iPhone launched recently to a flurry of press and TV news coverage. [more]

iPhone - More features unveiled

I know we've had a lot of chit-chat back and forth over the past month about the iPhone. Well, it looks like those boffins are giving you even more value for money. I particularly like the sideburns. [more]