3 Easy Ways to Invest in Real Estate (Without Buying Real Estate)

Investing in real estate can be lucrative — and a lot of hard work. With these investment strategies, you can enjoy the profits without owning property.

5 Investments That Aren't Stocks or Bonds

Stock ownership is at the lowest rate in almost two decades. These alternative investments may be the reason why.

Is There Such a Thing as a "Safe" Investment?

We all want to protect our nest eggs, but the question remains: Is any investment truly "safe?"

4 Foolproof Ways to Protect Your Money From Inflation

Inflation may not be as taxing as it once was, but it still chips away at your money. Here's how to keep more of what's yours, for longer.

6 Retirement Products That Aren't Worth Your Money

These retirement products promise stability and wealth in your golden years, but the truth is, you're better off without them.