
Best Money Tips: How to Stop Buying so Many "Wants"

Today we found some awesome articles on how to stop buying so many "wants," saving money and the planet, and correcting the wrong money lessons.

Best Money Tips: Sneaky Ways Supermarkets Get You to Spend More

Today we found some fantastic articles on sneaky ways supermarkets get you to spend more, paying less for insurance, and money talks to have with your kids.

Financial Tricks to Master for a Happier Life

Is it really money you are after? Get your life back and live happier!

Where to Save and Where to Spend

When the going gets tough, the tough get smart about saving and spending.

What Is True Affordability?

When is something truly affordable? If you are making more than $1 million a year, does this automatically mean you can afford everything?

Will That Thing Really Change Your Life?

Will it make you happy? Will it bring you the endless hours of joy that you imagine when you look at it? What thing am I talking about? Well, it's different for every person,

I Am Doing Well Financially. Now What?

Eventually, there comes a point in time when you can actually afford a few niceties in life. How will you react?

The Audacity to Waste Money for Better Finances

Sometimes, what seems like a waste of money might actually be one of the best ways you can spend your cash.

17 Things You Are Missing Out on for Spending Too Much

It might feel like you're not losing much by spending all of your income now....you're just giving up flexibility, freedom, and a few other not-so-little things.

Are Your Financial Habits Just Bad?

From brushing our teeth to buying little things we don't need, small bad habits can make a big difference in our lives. Learn how your habits might affect your bottom line.

Are Your Five Senses Tricking You to Spend More?

An interesting take on how your senses affect your spending.

How Old Were You When You Started Saving? (Answer and Win!)

Share your savings experiences, and be entered to win one of two $10 Amazon Gift Cards and one of 6 prize packs from FeedThePig.org! To enter our Trivia Tuesday giveaway, simply a

The new normal economy

The economy is way short of full employment, so naturally, consumer spending is down. Sooner or later employment, I think, will return to normal levels. Consumer spending will re

47 Simple Ways To Waste Money

How are you doing with your money? Do you have everything under control, or are you spending a little more than you should? Well, if you'd like to blow even more of your money, thi

Are You Doing Bad Things with Your Money?

Today my middle son hit my youngest son in the face with a Ziploc bag full of pennies. It was premeditated, and as I burst into the dining room to sort it all out, I found myself

Retirement accounts and money to spend

Everybody knows that retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs offer great tax advantages (and once upon a time--and maybe again someday--a corporate match). But people who have p

A champion of savings over spending

We're subjected to constant barrage of unhelpful advice to the effect that what the economy needs is more spending. (The stimulus program is one piece of this.) It's kind of unde

Placing Prepositions: Where you from? Where you at?

Our spending and money management choices may be influenced by factors we can't control in our own minds as well as factors we couldn't control growing up. You may ask, to what are

Too broke to be frugal?

The first few years after I got out of college my finances were seriously out of control. I was making pretty good money, but I was spending all of it. Worse, I wasn't keeping tr

Recession Journal Part I: 'Fast' Money in the '09

Forget about the fact that it's a recession. What you do now determines where you will be when the graph trends up again. What if you stopped dropping duckets like you dropped weig