Wise Bread Reloaded: Hack Your Creativity With a Trick the Yogis Use (Plus Scores More From the Archives)


Need some clever ideas for gifts or entertaining for the upcoming holidays? Take a moment to meditate.

Scientists at Leiden University in the Netherlands found that a few moments of quiet "Open Monitoring" meditation prior to a brainstorming test helped study subjects generate more ideas. Open Monitoring meditation is meditation open to ongoing sensation and experience and not focused on a single thought or feeling. Experienced meditators and novices both benefitted from the practice.

If meditation is not your thing, Wise Bread has lots more ideas about how to generate more — and better — ideas. Read on, and that get brainstorming!

Relaxing Is Like Meditation, Isn't It?

Sarah Winfrey tells us how to boost creativity with 9 Surprising Ways to Generate New Ideas. First on the list? Relax!

Good Ideas Come in Bunches

Not to be outdone by Sarah's nine surprises, Mikey Rox shares 25 Ways to Boost Creativity. Number 10 I wonder about (seems like more of a time sink than a brainstorming tool), and Number 7 is proven, but only in moderation.

Make Time for Creativity

Creativity takes time! In our hurry up and be late anyway hectic lives, who has time to ponder up new ideas? You do, if try one or more of the 15 Tested Tips for Creative Efficiency that Annie Mueller dreamed up.

Rely on Routine

Annie Mueller has another unique suggestion for boosting creativity — stop trying so hard to be creative all the time and start relying on routine and habit, especially for the mundane. That's How Less Creativity Can Make You More Creative.

Go for a Walk

Writers throughout the ages have commented on the effect a good walk has on their creativity. Wise Bread writer Tara Struyk comments on walking and creativity, too, in 25 Reasons You Should Take a Walk (see Number 6 and Number 21).

What do you do to generate ideas and get more creative? Please share in comments!

Additional photo credits: VFS Digital Design, Kerrie Longo

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