Paying back your student loans might seem daunting, especially if you don't have a job yet. But there are several repayment options to help you. Here's what to do.
Today we found some fantastic articles on living on one income and still feeling loaded, 101 Halloween costumes to make on the cheap, and investing mistakes you are making.
A tough workout is good for mind and body, but it doesn't always feel that way. Relieve those day-after aches and pains with these natural, effective remedies.
A reusable water bottle saves money and the environment. Choose a glass bottle to avoid the BPAs found in some plastics and the metallic flavor of stainless steel.
Today we found some fantastic articles on cutting the cost of raising kids, if seniors should get life insurance, and organizing your money and your mind.
Spending more time with your virtual community than with your real one? Discover how to limit your likes, shares, and tweets and regain control of your time.
After several years of decline, Americans are spending more again, but in different ways. For the frugal-minded, it's a reminder that thrift is an endurance race, not a sprint.
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