The Fed wants to keep the inflation rate up around 2%, because their efforts to boost the economy only get traction when they can push interest rates well below the inflation rate.
Some banks didn't manage the paperwork well enough to be able to prove that they actually own their mortgages. This just might be the germ of a solution.
Whenever I write about calculating how much money you need to retire, some people disagree strongly with the whole idea that there is such a figure. One told me, "The only correct
Some people are into deals. They collect and organize their coupons, they buy used, they negotiate with sellers. These are all good strategies, but they all take effort. This post
Do you ever come to the end of the money before you run out of month? It's easy to conclude that the problem is that you don't earn enough money (or that you spend too much). In fa
As part of introducing the new $100 that'll come out in February, the US Treasury is producing a video podcast, and the current episode is on spotting counterfeit notes.
You probably know someone who works ridiculously long hours (or maybe you do yourself). But those long hours could be a sign of deeper financial troubles.
Like frugality and simplicity, minimalism is both a means and an end. It's a way of living light on your wallet and light on the planet, and it enables certain choices (such as
If your interests in simplicity and frugality have as much to do with protecting the environment and using less resources as they do with saving money, give some thought to revi
What motivates people to work hard and do a good job? Whether you're a worker, a manager, a business owner, or an investor, it's important to know the answer.
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