Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What You Need to Know About Writing a Will

Up to 40% of Americans age 45 and older don't have a will. It's high-time you got out of that statistic.

The 5 Best Voice Recorders

When you're in a pinch and have to record something, you need a dependable device. Use any of these voice recorders and you'll get the audio recording you need.

Ask the Readers: Could You Learn More about Frugality? (Chance to Win!)

Are you a know-it-all? Or do you feel that you still have something to learn about frugality? Share your thoughts for a chance to win!

4 Questions to Ask Before Getting a Credit Increase

Before you ask your credit card provider for a limit increase, take the time to ask yourself a few questions, too.

What to Do When Your Tax Preparer Makes a Mistake

The tax code is complex and even the pros make mistakes. And when they do? You're responsible for clean up.

7 Homemade Beauty Treatments That Actually Work

Skip the beauty aisle and save some money, too. Go au-naturale instead with these seven homemade beauty treatments — they really work!

Breathe Easy: 10 Natural Air Fresheners

Deodorizers and disinfectants don't have to be full of chemicals. Freshen your space the frugal, all-natural way with these eco-friendly ideas.

5 Things Americans Spend Too Much On

From our "I Dos" to our morning joe, Americans are guilty of spending way too much on these things.

10 Books to Read for a Better Money Mindset

Struggling to stay true to your higher-self financial goals? Any of these reads can reset your money mindset.

Best Buy scamming customers with Intranet - UPDATED!

George Gombossy, consumer watchdog for The Courant , broke this story on March 2nd of this month. It's a great story, and I apologise to George for not stating him as the source in my original post, my bad entirely. [more]

The Great Coupon Debate

What's the one thing worse than talking about a budget with your spouse? Grocery shopping. I live with a coupon cutter who insists we buy nothing that isn't bought with coupons. Bu

25 Easy Ways to Make Someone Happy Today

Making other people happy is great! Here are some easy, low- or no-cost ways to bring a smile to someone else's face — and to yours.

The 5 Best Snow Shovels

Removing piles of snow while braving the chill of winter isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these snow shovels and you can clear your driveway or walkway in a flash.

The Ultimate Thrift Store: How Far Will You Go for a Bargain?

Do you brag about your thrift-store finds? You might be overpaying! Find out about "dump" thrift stores.

8 Ways to Build Your Financial Self Esteem

Feeling down about money can keep us from taking smart financial steps. Go for these small wins and get back in the game.

End Potato Prejudice: 10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Potatoes

Potatoes have gotten a rep as starchy and fattening. But recent studies suggest potatoes may contribute to weight loss, and they're as inexpensive and full of nutrition as ever.

How to Make Your Sluggish Workday Go (a Lot) Faster

When's it gonna be done o'clock already? Make the long workday hours go a lot faster with some shortcuts, treats, and fun ways to be productive.

4 Financial Reasons to Keep Your Political Views Private

These days, sharing political views is as easy as hitting "Enter." But the aftermath can be much greater than a heated debate.

12 Ways You're Driving Your Coworkers Insane

Make work easier on you and your colleagues by avoiding these nasty, annoying habits at the office.

85 Easy, Frugal Halloween Costume Ideas

Check out our list of resources for 85 frugal and fun Halloween costume ideas for kids, adults, and even dogs!