Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Reasons Being a Millionaire Is Overrated

Being a millionaire sounds pretty great. Is it really?

8 Ways to Get Your Morning Coffee for Free

That daily cup of joe adds up! Save your money and score your caffeine fix for free.

Step-by-Step Guide to Doing a Balance Transfer on Credit Cards

Before you attempt a balance transfer, here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it right.

8 Factors That Could Keep You Broke Forever

If being broke is your way of life, it's time to do some serious self-reflection on your money habits.

26 Unexpected Uses for Aluminum Foil

You trust it in the fridge with leftovers and probably around the grill. Find out where else you can trust aluminum foil to save the day.

These 6 Shopping Challenges Will Keep You Stylish Without Breaking Your Budget

If you've been stymied in your efforts to save money on clothes and accessories, make it easier by giving yourself a challenge.

2-Minute Read: What You Need to Know About Cash Advances

Before you request a cash advance through your credit card, scan this quick read so you understand what's involved.

The 4 Myths of Buying in Bulk Dispelled

Here are the 4 misconceptions we typically attribute to bulk buying, and the truth for each.

6 Things You Might Miss in Your Credit Card's Fine Print

Did you read the fine print before you signed up for that credit card? You should have: What you don't know might hurt you.

Big List of Student Discounts

Whether you're in college or high school, there's a bevy of discounts available to you, from dining to travel to movies and more.

Happily Ever After: How to Stay Married for 29 Years (and Counting)

What's the secret to staying together for a long, long, long time? Hear what one woman who's been happily married for almost 30 years has to say.

100+ Ways to Make More Money This Year

With a little creative thinking — and some elbow grease — you can turn anything from castoffs to chainsaw juggling into real money.

Why Your Credit Score Matters in Retirement

Just because you've left the working world behind, doesn't mean you can leave the credit world behind. Here's how to keep your credit score golden, too.

8 Most Common Mistakes When Doing a Balance Transfer to Eliminate Debt

Balance transfer cards can be a great tool to pay off your debt faster, but there are also costly errors you should try to avoid.

6 Ways You Can Cut Costs Right Before You Retire

With retirement right around the corner, it's more important than ever to start cutting your daily living costs. You'll thank yourself later.

How to Protect Yourself Financially During a Divorce or Separation

The price tag on divorce is sky-high. Save yourself from further financial fallout by protecting your money.

15 Things in Your Closet You Can Throw Out Today

Closet space comes at a premium — everything you store should fit, look great, and make you feel great. If not, toss it, sell it, or give it away.

Yes, Affordable Family Travel Is Possible

Frugal family travel is possible with the right attitude, but you need to be strategic.

10 Smart Ways I'm Spending My Tax Refund

Is Uncle Sam giving you a little something back this tax season? Here's how one Wise Bread writer is spending his to tie up some loose financial ends.

9 Money Lessons to Take From the Great Depression

The Depression was a dark time in America's history, but it did yield some incredible tips for surviving on a budget and saving money.