Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Gas Is High Enough….

Watching my local newscast a few nights ago, I was disturbed by the assumption that the anchor made regarding rising gas prices and consumer reaction.

Best Money Tips: Do's and Don'ts of Bulk Buying

Today we found articles on ways to save money by buying in bulk, things that cost more depending on your gender, and career tips for recent grads.

Five J.O.B.’s That Aren’t That B.A.D.

Dream jobs and professional aspirations aside, sometimes it’s just necessary to go out and get a job. Any job. Whether you’ve found yourself laid-off, needing some part-time fun

7 Lessons I Learned About Money After Living in Mexico

Living abroad can really broaden your horizons, especially when it comes to money.

How does the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout affect you?

Yesterday Henry Paulson decided to use the power given to him by the housing bailout bill to officially take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This is a decision that has a huge im

Ask the Readers: If You Could Retire Today — Would You?

Tell us if you would be willing to retire today and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Hoopde for sale. Starting price - $500. Winning bid - $226,521.

I love stories like this. It gives me hope that one day, something “worthless” sitting in my garage will instantly fill up my daughters’ college funds. In this case, the seemingly

A Superior Life: What You Put In Is What You Get Out

Whether it be the amount of business ideas you start, the sports you play, the languages you learn or the people you date, it is not a good idea to bite off more than you can chew.

7 Ways to Help Your Parents Save Money

Help your parents enjoy their golden years without spending a fortune yourself.

The Disaster Known as the California State Budget

Live in California? Fed up with the budget crisis? If you could whisper a suggestion in your state reps ear or our illustrious governor, what would you suggest?

Food, Inc. and the Origins of Your Food: 3 Reasons to Remain Ignorant (Plus Free Movie Screenings)

Food, Inc., a movie detailing the origins and production of food, came to theaters last month. While I'm glad I've become more knowledgeable about food, in light of Food, Inc.'s re

Best Money Tips: Common Sense Investing Tips

Today we found some fantastic articles on investing tips everyone should follow, why your finances are a mess, and what to ask at a job interview

Best Money Tips: Tips to Get the Most From Coupons

Today we found some stellar articles on tips to get the most from coupons, things you should never DIY, and how to avoid certain budgeting problems.

12 Things You're Doing Wrong Before Noon (and How to Fix Them)

Good mornings make for better days. Make sure you're avoiding these bad habits in order to develop a healthful, relaxing, and productive morning routine.

‘Tis The Season To Get A Speeding Ticket! Are You Next?

Yes, speeding tickets suck. And yes, they’re also a necessary deterrent; they come not just with fines and points on your license, but insurance rate hikes. This is also the time o

Slam Dunk Personal Finance Tips From the NBA

Few of us have the on-court talent to command an NBA salary, but we can still learn some money lessons from the world of pro players.

Weird Money Facts: Why We Throw Money in Fountains

Ever wonder where the tradition of throwing coins into wishing wells originated? Well, read on and wonder no more!

7 Ways to Get Your Life Back Into Balance

Feeling off kilter? Out of whack? A step behind? Try these balancing tricks refocus on the things that really matter.

9 Things You're Paying Too Much for Around the House (And How to Pay Less)

Stop wasting your money on stuff you don't need or can find cheaper alternatives for, okay? This list will help you do just that.

6 Things Financial Aid Might Not Cover

It's that time of year when students and parents are figuring out how to pay for college. Find out what financial aid covers — and what it doesn't.