Sharing seldom-used items among friends and neighbors is a great (and earth-friendly!) tactic for saving money. Here are the best things to borrow, not buy.
Can't afford to live on your pension or Social Security in the U.S.? Why not find a cheaper place to live? No, not Canada - the other communist mecca... that's right, China!
Ha ha! I know I'll get all kinds of flack for that one. [more]
Discounts. Wouldn't they be great to get every single time you purchase something? Big or small, from new hats to furniture sets? It is more possible than you may think.
If you're thinking about tackling a big DIY project, you may want to think again. Screw one of these projects up, and it could ruin your home's value — or worse.
As long as prices are free to rise, I wouldn't expect much in the way of gasoline shortages--at least not widespread, long-lasting ones. But it's actually pretty easy to produce a
You don't need to buy separate products to clean your windows, tabletops, and counters. Save money and space with one of these top all-purpose cleaners.
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Tiny Nestegg? Retire abroad!
Can't afford to live on your pension or Social Security in the U.S.? Why not find a cheaper place to live? No, not Canada - the other communist mecca... that's right, China! Ha ha! I know I'll get all kinds of flack for that one. [more]
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Spot shortages of gasoline?
As long as prices are free to rise, I wouldn't expect much in the way of gasoline shortages--at least not widespread, long-lasting ones. But it's actually pretty easy to produce a
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