Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Things You Should Never Do During a Job Interview

You've landed an interview — score! Now just don't blow it with one of these major job interview blunders.

Selling Your Home: 17 Ways to Prepare Your House for Inspection Success

You want to sell your house, right? Then read this list — or risk your home failing inspection.

The 10 Stupidest Things Smart People Say

You're smart, wise, savvy — so stop saying these 10 words and phrases that make you look stupid!

Reverse Bucket List: Look Back Before Looking Forward

Before you make a “bucket list” of things you want to do in life, don't skip this vital first step — it could be the key to happiness.

5 Things Your Financial Planner Isn't Telling You About Retirement

Relying too much on your financial planner may be costing you. Make sure you retire the smart way, with your interests at the forefront — and not your adviser's.

5 Things Our Realtor Told Us That Weren't True

Our realtor told us several things that turned out to be untrue. Learn from these situations before taking their word for it.

7 Things Employers Care About More Than Your Degree

When you're applying for a new job, every advantage helps. And these days, a college degree alone just won't cut it.

The 5 Best Car Battery Warmers

Keeping your car running during the cold winter months isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these car battery warmers and your battery will last through spring.

10 Ways to Acquire Cheap Formal Wear

You can be cheap without looking cheap — just follow this guide to finding inexpensive, great-looking tuxes and gowns.

6 Moves to Make Before Cutting Up Your Credit Card

Put the scissors down! If you haven't taken these critical credit card steps, don't cut up your plastic just yet.

20 Places to Find the Best Freebies

Free stuff is pretty awesome, right? Here are the best places to find all the freebies you can handle.

8 Things I Learned About Money After Getting Married

For better or worse, marriage means learning how to manage money with a partner.

31 Essential Kitchen Tools All Frugal Cooks Need

If your tiny kitchen space doesn't have these essentials, you're not living your best life.

How to Make Ends Meet When You're House Poor

Home is meant to be a haven. If it's leaving you racked with debt (and stress), it's time to consider these options.

Which of These 9 Retirement Accounts Is Right for You?

Picking the right retirement account can be a little tricky. Here's a break down of the best plans to help you save money for your future.

The 5 Best Linen Sprays

Keeping your linens smelling fresh isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these five linen sprays and your sheets will smell nice and clean.

How to live on $12,000 a year

In my first job out of college, I was on 12,000 English pounds per year. That was back in London in 1996, i was single, lived with two friends and only had rent and travel to pay for. And I still remember how tough that was. [more]

25 Purchases You'll Never Regret

Buyer's remorse usually follows close behind the purchases you make — especially big ones. But for these buys, know that you've done the right thing.

8 Ways to Stage Your Home Without Hiring a Pro

From curb appeal to clearing clutter, you can stage your home like the pros do — all without hiring a pro.

30 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Garam Masala

Indian food is known for the complexity of its spice blends, and garam masala is a great example. Learn how to use and enjoy this mix of cinnamon, cumin, cardamom and other spices.