Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Do You Live In One Of America’s Most Foreclosure-Ridden Towns?

I’ve seen several houses in my area go into foreclosure over the last 12 months. The economy and over-inflated housing prices, coupled with predatory lenders and some very bad deci

5 Ways to Get the Most From Your Employer’s Automated Retirement Plan

Your employer may be automating your 401(k) plan. Don't let the convenience lull you into complacency with your investments.

A whopping 6lb cheeseburger for free...if you can finish it.

Actually, I'm being a little untruthful. The full weight of the burger is closer to NINE POUNDS. 6lbs is just the meat. You have to admit it, Americans do everything bigger...but is it better? [more]

Know Your Markets and Earn Some Cash: Ebay vs. Amazon

Most online shoppers I know are very familiar with Ebay and Amazon. The problem is that the hardcore Ebayers are not very familiar with the Amazon Marketplace. [more]

These 6 Things Will Make Your Next Flight More Comfortable

Dreading your next flight? These tricks will make your time in the sky way more comfy.

7 Added Costs That Come With a Bigger House

Bigger isn't always better, but when it comes to houses, it's usually more expensive.

The 5 Best Water Filters

Drinking water is important to your health — but it's also important to ensure the water is clean. Water filters are a frugal way to make that happen.

Your House Is a Hobby, Not an Investment

Never think of a house as an investment. Instead, think of it for what it really is — a time and money hole that can be fun to own.

8 Ways to Turn Your Stress Into Money

These days, who isn't stressed out. Channel that energy into more money and it might just be able to relax a little.

15 Delicious Ways to Use Canned Corn

What can you do with a can of corn? Fry it, cream it, bake it, toss it, roast it…

You're Washing Your Clothes Too Often! (What to Do Instead)

You can cut your bills and your eco-footprint by running the washer less often. And with a few simple tricks, your clothes can be just as clean.

Weird Money Facts: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Counterfeit Money

Maybe the strangest fact about counterfeits is that they're real until they aren't. Read on for more true facts about phony money.

12 Words You Need to Delete From Your Resume Right Now

HR staffers see a lot of resumes — and a lot of cliches, tired idioms, and lazy skill descriptions in them. Make your resume memorable by cutting these awful words.

15 Easy to Keep New Year's Resolutions That Really Pay Off

New Year's resolutions are really hard to keep. But these are actually pretty easy, and totally worth the effort.

Kick-Ass Alternatives to Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is lame. Here are six ways to shine up that holiday staple, from chutney to booze-spiked berries to tart-cherry sauce.

Paying Your Debts in the Wrong Order Could Be Costing You

All debts are not created equal. There's an order to your path to financial freedom.

Can You Buy Your Way Out of the Rat Race?

If you're tracking your spending, you know how much money it takes to live on. If you're tracking your investments, you know about how much return you're getting from your capital.

How Low Can You Go? Taking the No Heat Challenge

Most of us aren't ready to give up home heating altogether, but here are a few tricks we can learn from the hardcore heat resisters.

The 5 Best Reusable Straws

Finding drinking straws worth keeping isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these reusable straws and your drinks will always be ready to sip.

5 Lucrative Climate Change Investments That Can Help Save the World

Can you save the environment and take care of your personal finances at the same time? Yes, you can. Here's how.