Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Financial Decisions You'll Regret Forever

Today we found helpful articles on financial decisions you’ll regret, over 200 awesome upcycling ideas, and eco-friendly ways to save money.

Sun Protection Through Your Food

Diet may play a role in protecting our skin from the sun's harmful rays.

When More is Less

We've all heard that less is more. If you're like me, you've also heard at least a million ways to apply that. But is the opposite ever true? Do we ever save in the long run by spe

15 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance

Want to be happier at work AND at home? Follow these suggestions to keep yourself balanced, healthy, and joyful.

New Home Loan Rules Will Take Effect on July 30, 2009

If you are in the process of buying a new primary residence or second home, or considering refinancing a loan, a new set of federal consumer protection rules taking effect on July

Best Money Tips: Master These 15 Interview Questions

Today we found some great articles on mastering interview questions, when you will get your tax refund, and launching an online business on a budget.

Ode to the Ecofan

Considering whether buying an Ecofan is worth the price to keep you warm this winter?

9 Ways to Make Job Recruiters Come to You

Professional recruiters are always on the lookout for good candidates for quality jobs. Make sure you're doing the right things to get noticed.

Train Now for a Summertime Family Cycling Trip

The days might still be cold and the evenings dark, but winter is the best time to start getting ready for a summer cycling vacation with your family.

Best Money Tips: 5 Things That Can Kill Your Career

Today we found articles on things that can kill your career, tips for a happy retirement, and a recipe for an all-natural nighttime mosquito repellent.

Best Money Tips: 19 Outrageously Overpriced Products

Today we found articles on the most overpriced products out there, tips for camping in the fall and winter, and things to consider before ordering groceries online.

The Art of Letting People Go

While firing an employee is never easy, these six rules of dis-employment can make separation tolerable. For both sides.

Planwise is Giving Away Up to $1250 to Wise Bread Readers!

Don't miss your chance to win your share of up to $1250 in our Planwise Giveaway

Link Me, Baby! Sending Out Thankful Vibes

Wise Bread is always grateful for the links we get from friends and even rivals. [more]

Best Money Tips: BBQ on a Budget

Today we found some fantastic articles on BBQing on a budget, buying quality furniture, and how to avoid pesky travel fees.

Buy a Car With the Money You Save by Shaving Smarter

With a switch to a safety razor, most men could trim enough from their budgets to eventually buy a modestly priced car. (And look better while striking the deal.)

Find and Track Deals on Twitter: The Ultimate Guide

Twitter is huge: someone is very likely to be Tweeting a great deal right now, and unless you know how to "hear" that Tweet, you will miss it. Luckily there are quite a few tools t

Best Money Tips: 8 Steps to Financial Success

Today we found some great articles on steps to financial success, why you should track fash flow, and saving on food and meal planning.

10 Tips to Make Working From Home a Success

Working from home is hard work, especially if you have kids in the picture. Here are 10 tips to help make the business adventure a success.

4 Lies You Shouldn't Tell Your Interviewer

You might be tempted to fudge the truth a little when you're interviewing for a job — but these little lies could get you in big trouble.