Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Deconstructing the Deal

What are the best methods for scoring a good deal every time? Explore the seven ways to get a great bargain.

Best Money Tips: 12 Surprising Lottery Facts

Today we found articles on lottery facts that may surprise you, mind and behavioral tricks that help you save, and how to upcycle an old filing cabinet into garden storage.

Best Money Tips: How to Enjoy Unemployment

Today, we share ways to enjoy the silver lining on unemployment, tips to help you spot counterfeit products, and free web services to spice up your holidays!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/4, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Resumes! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Cyber Security on the Road

We'll look at how to protect your identity and electronic data while traveling, so you — and your business — return home safely every time.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/7, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving at the Mall! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Why Germans Have Longer Vacation Times and More Productivity

Self-sacrifice has almost always gone hand-in-hand with American entrepreneurship and small businesses. Yet Europeans have always seemed to have taken a different route when it com

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Use a Dollar

Today we found articles on smart ways to use a dollar, simple ways to make light in a blackout, and how to correct common billing errors.

5 Ways to Avoid Buying Electronics You'll Regret

The gadget market moves fast, so it's easy to get caught up and click "buy." Avoid buyer's remorse by choosing quality and value, first.

Here's How Delaying Marriage or Kids Saves You Money

Getting married is quite the expense, and so is starting a family. Is it worth it to wait? Here are some financial issues to consider.

Is Your Summer Internship Program Legal?

Unfortunately, summer interns aren't short-term, low-cost administrative assistants.

6 Myths About Men and Women and the Workplace

How many of these six gender and workplace myths have you fallen victim to?

The Inanity of my Humanity (and why I choose to share it on Wisebread)

What do David Beckham and grump callers from The Chronicle have in common? Teaching us to live life frugally, of course.

4 Behaviors That Risk Your Financial Security

These bad behaviors are hard to break — but if you don't, they could break your finances.

AD&D Insurance: No Good, No Bad, Just Ugly

Accidental Death And Dismemberment insurance. Wow – doesn’t that sound just lovely? I mean, at least Life insurance has a euphemistic name (they call it “Li

Lessons in Frugality From "The Walking Dead"

From budgeting to moderation, AMC's hit series "The Walking Dead" can teach us about frugality (while it also teaches us to never enter a cellar alone).

Reusing Your Christmas Cards

What if there was a way to honor the beauty and intentions behind your received Christmas cards, while at the same time allowing you to get rid of the darned things without guilt?

Double hack – make a cheap metal detector, find a fortune.

It’s not often you get a double-whammy money-saving tip but this one falls into that category. Not only can you save cash by making your own cheap metal detector, you can find a fo

Best Money Tips: Easy Habits for Better Relationships

Today we found easy habits that improve your relationships, what you should know about year-end charitable donations, and things that charismatic people do in conversations.

Flashback Friday: Wise Bread's 88 Best Food Hacks Ever

Let's look back at the 88 best food hacks we've ever shared.